This article is an introduction to neuropathology. There are separate articles for brain tumours, the pituitary gland, the spine, the eye, muscle pathologies, neurohistology and neuroanatomy.
Neuropathology is the bane of many anatomical pathologists in teaching hospitals... 'cause they have to fill in for the neuropathologist when he or she is on vacation.
This is a large topic. It covered in a separate article, that also covers grossing.
Key factors to consider in evaluation:
- Location.
- Number of lesions - single versus multiple.
- Cystic versus solid lesion.
- Enhancement.
Lesion location
In neuroradiology and neuropathology, real estate is crucial. Lesion location can often narrow your differential.
Cortical lesions (gray matter):
- Oligodendroglioma.
- Ganglioglioma.
- Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma.
- Extraventricular ependymoma.
Cortical-subcortical junction:
- Metastases.
- Abscesses (hematogenous spread).
Subcortical lesions (white matter):
- Glioblastoma.
- Diffuse gliomas.
- Demyelinating plaques.
Deep gray matter lesions (e.g. basal ganglia):
- Gliomas.
- Hypertensive hemorrhage
Cerebellar lesions:
Intraventricular lesions:
- Ependymoma.
- Subependymoma.
- Pilocytic astrocytoma.
- Central neurocytoma.
- Rosette forming glioneuronal tumour of the fourth ventricle.
Suprasellar (above the pituitary):
Number of lesions
If single lesion = think primary, neoplastic If multiple lesions = think metastatic, neoplastic or infectious NB: glioblastoma can be multifocal (and the foci can be quite far apart)
Cystic vs. solid lesions
Some tumours are classically cystic with a small solid component (so-called cyst with a mural nodule) -- e.g. pilocytic astrocytoma, ganglioglioma, hemangioblastoma
Enhancing vs. non-enhancing:
- In adults, enhancing generally = high grade.
- In pediatrics, it often depends on the pattern.
Two main patterns to be mindful of -- ring enhancing lesions, and cystic lesions with a mural nodule.
Ring enhancing lesions
In HIV/AIDS patients... mass on CT if infection:
- Toxoplasmosis - most common.[1]
Ring enhancing lesion (DDx) - mnemonic MAGICAL DR:[2]
- Metstasis.
- Abscess.
- Glioblastoma.
- Infarct.
- Contusion.
- AIDS-related.
- Lymphoma + HIV assoc. disease (toxoplasma).
- Demyelination (e.g. multiple sclerosis).
- Resolving hematoma.
Cyst with enhancing mural nodule
- hemangioblastoma (#1 in adults)
- pilocytic astrocytoma (#1 in peds)
- pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
- ganglioglioma
This is covered in the neuroanatomy article.
Gross pathology
The gross usually useless for arriving at a definitive diagnosis.
- Sausage shape lesion of filum terminale = myxopapillary ependymoma.
- Soft & tan colour = pituitary adenoma.
Normal histology
This is a big topic. It is covered in a separate article called neurohistology.
Neuronal changes
Anoxic neurons
- AKA red neurons.
- Intensely red cytoplasm.
- Pyknosis = nuclear shrinkage + darker staining.
Central chromatolysis
- Central clearing.
- Nucleus and Nissl substance are pushed to cell periphery.
Axonal swellings
- Eosinophilic (light pink) - ground glass-like appearance.
- Shape:
- Round if sectioned perpendicular to axis of axon.
- Bound by cell membrane.
- Large ~ typically 2-4x RBC diameter.
- Sausage-shaped if cut in along axis.
- Round if sectioned perpendicular to axis of axon.
- APP.
Glial changes
Astrocyte changes
Reactive astrocytes:
- Approximately equally-spaced; distance between neighbouring astrocytes is ~2x (or more) the cell size.
- Well-defined cell border.
- Eosinophilic cytoplasm with many branching processes.
- Classically described as "funnel-shaped" in benign astrocytes.[11]
- Peripheral nucleus.
Alzheimer type II astrocyte:[12]
- Large cleared nucleus - key feature.
- Indistinct cytoplasm.
- Found in the context of hepatic encephalopathy in basal ganglia and lower layers of cortex.[13]
- Images:
Creutzfeldt cell:[14]
- Astrocyte that mimics a mitoses; has moderate (identifiable) cytoplasm.
- Finding associated with demyelinating disease.
- Image: Crutzfeldt cell ([15]
Gemistocytic astrocytes:[16]
- Distinct eosinophilic cytoplasm - with ground-glass appearance.
Tufted astrocytes:[17]
- Cellular processes loaded with tau protein (as may be seen with tau IHC or Gallyas silver stain); Parisian-star-like appearance with special stain.
- +/-Multinucleated.
- A classic feature of progressive supranuclear palsy.
Other glial
Bergmann gliosis (in the cerebellum):[14]
- Thin layer of cells (2-3 cells) with open nuclei that are larger than granular cell layer nuclei; seen with Purkinje cell loss.
Reactive change vs. malignancy
Reactive changes vs. malignancy (mnemonic MIMICS):[18]
- MIcrovesicular pattern.
- Mitoses.
- Irregular spacing.
- Calcifications.
- Satellitosis, perineuronal.
- Large "crowds" of glial cells associated with nuclei.
- Autoimmune - Multiple sclerosis.
- Neoplastic - CNS lymphoma.
- Infectious - HSV.
see also:
- Viral encephalitis (Neurotrophic viruses):[19]
- Eteroviruses are the most common cause of aseptic meningitis.
- Coxackie Virus.
- Enteric cytopathic human orphan (ECHO) virus.
- Human Herpesviruses (HSV1, HSV2, VZV, CMV, EBV, Roseola)
- HSV encephalitis has high mortality without acyclovir treatment.
- Childhood cerebellitis mainly associated with varicella.
- VZV is the second most common viral meningitis after enterovirus.
- Measles virus(worldwide more than 100.000 deaths annually).
- Is linked to acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (ADEM) and Subacute sclerosing encephalitis (SSPE).
- Seasonal influenza A virus (highest patogenic potential: avian influenza H5N1).
- Polio and Non-Polio Enterovirus (mostly children).
- Although massive eradication: Polio still existent in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria.
- Rabies virus
- Tick-borne encephalitis virus (Europe, Siberia, Russian far-east).
- West-Nile virus (US, Southern europe).
- St. Louis encephalitis virus (US).
- Japanese encephalitis virus (South, south-east asia, high disability rate).
- La Crosse virus (esp. children, midwest & eastern US).
- Borna disease virus (VSBV-1).
- Equine encephalitis viruses (EEEV, VEEV, WEEV, CHIKV).
- Eteroviruses are the most common cause of aseptic meningitis.
- Paraneoplastic syndromes.
- Autoimmune antibody-mediated limbic encephalitis (NMDAR).
- Purulent bacterial encephalitis
- Streptococcus, Actinomyces ....
- Septic metastatic encephalitis
- microabscesses, local astrogliosis, two or more granulocytic infiltrates without relation to vessel.[20]
- Septic embolic encephalitis
- Embolic endocarditis, Stroke-like lesions.[21]
- Non-purulent bacterial encephalitis
- Tuberculosis...
- Frontal and temporal lobe - most common for HSV encephalitis.[22]
- Perivascular inflammation.
- Microglia.
- +/-Neuronophagia.
- Phagocytosis of neurons.[24]
- +/-Viral cytopathic changes.
- +/-Perineuronal inflammation.
- Hemorrhage[25] and necrosis - characteristic of HSV encephalitis.
IHC stains for:
- Viral etiologies, e.g. HSV, CMV.
- Parasites, e.g. toxoplasma.
- Fungi, e.g. PASD.
DDx Cerebral vasculitis / angiitis:
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Medications and drugs (amphetamine, cocaine and heroin).
- Paraneoplastic(lymphomas, leukemia and lung cancer).
- Granulomatosis_with_polyangiitis
- Giant cell arteritis
- Takayasu's arteritis
- Polyarteritis nodosa
- Beta-amyloid-related angiitis (ABRA)
- Rosette = circular/flower-like arrangement of cells.[27]
- Perivascular pseudorosette = circular/flower-like arrangement of cells with blood vessel at the centre.[27]
- Homer-Wright rosette = (circular) rosette with a small (~100 micrometers ???) meshwork of fibers (neuropil) at the centre.[27]
- Medulloblastoma.
- Image: Medulloblastoma ([28]
- PNET (can be thought of as a supratentorial medulloblastoma) .
- Neuroblastoma
- Medulloblastoma.
- Flexner-Wintersteiner rosette = rosette with empty centre (donut hole).[27]
- True ependymal rosette = surrounds a space.[27]
- Pineocytomatous/neurocytic rosette = irregular rosette with a large meshwork of fibers (neuropil) at the centre.[27]
- Similar to Homer-Wright rosette.
- Pineocytoma.
- Neurocytoma.
- RGNT - Rosette forming glioneuronal tumor of the IVth ventricle.
- Radial (cartwheel) profiles = neoplastic cells anchoring to stromal vessels, shorter processes than in ependymal pseudorosettes
- Multilayered rosettes
- Meningeothelial rosettes
- Meningioma - a rare pattern.[29]
Other important histological features
- Rosenthal fibres = worm-like or corkscrew-like (brightly) eosinophilic bodies; 10-40 micrometers.
- Key feature: variable thickness; helps separate from RBCs.
- Well-seen on trichrome stains.
- Eosinophilic granular bodies = related to Rosenthal fibres; round cytoplasmic hyaline droplets in astrocytes.[30]
- Pseudopalisading - picket fence-like alignment of cells; long axis of cells perpendicular to interface with other structures/cells.
- Pseudopalisading of tumour cells (around necrotic regions) is seen in glioblastoma.
- Perivascular lymphocytic cuffing - Lymphocytes surrounding vessels.
- Seen in many inflammatory conditions including MS.
- Often seen in ganglioglioma and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma.
- Less common in some gemistocytic astrocytoma.
- No association with survival. [31]
Lymphocytic cuffing in ganglioglioma (WC/jensflorian)
- Good set of articles: Neuropathology for radiologists (
Inclusion bodies
- Negri bodies.
- Cytoplasmic inclusions; classically in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum, pyramidal cells of Ammon's horn.
- Rabies.
- Owl eye inclusions.
- Basiopilic neuronal inclusions in enlarged cells, typically seen in CMV encephalitis
- Lewy bodies.
- Eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion - composed mostly of alpha-synuclein.[32]
Table of inclusions
Feature | Appearance | Associated disease | Comment | Image |
Grumose bodies AKA granular bodies |
granular and eosinophilic ~50 micrometers | neurodegenerative disease, neuroaxonal dystrophies, aging | ?Comment | ?Image |
Cowdry type 1 AKA Cowdry type A |
eosinophilic & round + halo | herpes simplex virus | can be confused with Lewy body, Marinesco body |
?Image |
Lewy body | round cytoplasmic eosinophilic body +/- pale halo |
Parkinson disease, dementia with Lewy bodies | morphology dependent on location in brain; +ve for alpha-synuclein, alpha-B crystallin, ubiquitin |
, [1] |
Lafora body | round | myoclonic epilepsy | look like corpora amylacea; location: dentate nucleus, liver, skeletal muscle, sweat glands | ?Image |
Lipofuscin | yellow & granular | aging | olive, dendate | ?Image |
Negri body | small eosinophic bodies | rabies | found in hippocampal neurons and Purkinje cells | |
Hirano body | concentric calcification/rod-shaped bright eosinophilic; overlap edge of neuron | Alzheimer disease, Pick disease[33] | actin crystals, may look like capillaries; location: CA1 of hippocampus | [2][34] |
Neurofibrillary tangles | flame-shaped cytoplasmic thingy ~30 micrometers |
aging, Alzheimer's disease | seen with silver stain | Schematic[34], [3][35] |
Granulovacuolar degeneration | cytoplasmic vacuoles 4-5 micrometers | ageing, Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease |
main found in Ammon horn[33] | [4][35] |
Pick bodies | round, homogenous, intracytoplasmic, ~10 micrometers | Pick's disease | pyramidal neurons, dentate granule cells (hippocampus); +ve for tau, tubulin, ubiquitin |
[5] |
Bunina body | size of Nissl granules, eosinophilic | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) | EM: membrane-bound bodies; ubiquitin +ve | [6] |
Image collection: Inclusion bodies (
- S-100.
- Sensitive... but non-specific, e.g. also stains melanoma.
- GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) - should stain perikaryon.
Glial tumours
Standard work-up:
- MAP2C. [36]
- Ki-67 (MIB-1).
Useful additional markers:
- IDH1(R132H) in Astrocytic/Oligodendroglial tumors. [37]
- ATRX in mixed gliomas. [38]
- EMA in Ependymal tumors. [39]
- OLIG-2 usually -ve in Ependymomas. [40][41]
- Synaptophysin.
- Chromogranin.
Carcinoma vs. glial tumours
- AE1/AE3 often +ve in glial tumours (e.g. astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas); CAM5.2 is usu. -ve in glial tumours.[42]
- APP (amyloid precursor protein) - detects axonal swellings.
- NF (neurofilament) - detects axonal swellings.
Brain tumours
Tumours are a big part of neuropathology. The most common brain tumour (in adults) is a metastasis. The most common primary tumours originating in the brain (in adults) are gliomas. More than 50% of these are classified as glioblastoma which has a horrible prognosis.
Vascular disorders
Cerebral hemorrhage
- See: Intracranial hematoma for intracranial bleeds
Includes discussion of:
Duret hematoma
- AKA Duret hemorrhage.
- Bleed in the upper brainstem (midbrain and pons).
- Thought to be due to transtentorial herniation secondary to supratentorial mass effect (e.g. supratentorial tumour, intracranial hemorrhage).[43]
- Often fatal.[44]
- Extravasated blood in midbrain and pons - usu. ventral (anterior) and paramedian (adjacent to the midline).[43]
- RBC extravasation.
- +/-Hemosiderin-laden macrophages.
- +/-Ischemic neurons.
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
- Abbreviated CAA.
- Disease of the old.
- Strong association with lobar haemorrhage (bleeds of the cerebellar cortex and cerebral cortex).[46]
- Amyloid deposition in the basal lamina of smooth muscle (in the cerebellar cortex and cerebral cortex).
- Bleeds typically superficial (cortex and subcortical white matter) and in the frontal lobe or parietal lobe.[47]
- Amorphous, acellular eosinophilic material within walls of small arteries.
- This is a high power diagnosis with congo red staining.
- Amyloidosis is seen in all individuals with Alzheimer's disease; the amount of amyloid is what differs -- in CAA it is lots and lots.
- The white matter is typically spared by CAA.[48]
- Abeta-amyloid (AKA beta-amyloid).
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy associated with inflammation (I-CAA)
- Cognitive decline.
- Microbleedings in MRI.
- Responsive to steroids.
- Abeta deposits in vessels.
- Perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate (but no vasculitis!).
- Giant cells may be present.
Vascular malformations
- Arteriovenous malformation.
- Varix.
- Venous angioma.
- Cavernous hemangioma (Cavernoma).
- Capillary teleangiectasia.
Also see: Sturge-Weber syndrome.
- Intracranial atherosclerosis most common at circle of Willis.
- Macroscopic yellow discoloration.
- Luminal stenosis and eccentric intimal thickening.
Other large arterial diseases
- Fibromuscular dysplasia.
- Moyamoya disease.
- Progressive stenosis of basal intracranial arteries and abnormal vascularization.
- Arterial dissection.
- Giant cell arteritis.
- Takayasu's arteritis.
- Antiphospholipid antibody mediated thrombosis.
- Defined as Small vessel disease (<300µm in transverse section).
- Includes atherosclerosis and cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
Other causes:
- Primary angitis of the CNS (PACNS).
- Polyarteritis nodosa.
- Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis).
- Lymphomatoid granulomatosis.
- Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (commonly abbreviated CADASIL).
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- Abbreviated HIE.
- Hypoxia: reduction in oxygen supply or utilization.
- Ischemia: reduction in blood supply.
Cerebrovascular accident
- Abbreviated CVA.
- AKA stroke.
- Stroke includes:
- Infarction (ischemia in defined vascular distribution persisting for at least 24hrs).
- Intracrebral hemorrhage (focal blood accumulation in the brain parenchyma).
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).
- Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT).
Alcohol & CNS
- Wernicke's encephalopathy
- Mnemonic WACO:
- Wernicke's.
- Ataxia.
- Confusion, confabulation -- Korsakoff.
- Ocular Sx (CN IV palsy).
- Cause: thiamine deficiency.
- Mnemonic WACO:
- Morel's laminar sclerosis = spongy degeneration and gliosis of the cerebral cortex[51] usu. prominent in the third layer of the cortex (outer pyramidal layer) and especially in the lateral-frontal cortex.[52]
- Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM).[53]
- Just what it sound like - myelin loss in the central pons.
- Classically associated with rapid correction of hyponatremia.[54]
- Mammillary body shrinkage.[55]
- Anterior cerebellar vermis atrophy; weak finding - as also age-related.[56]
- Vermis atrophy is also seen in schizophrenia.[57]
Marchiafava-Bignami Disease
- Rare.
- Demyelination of the corpus callosum.[52]
Wernicke's encephalopathy
- Due to thiamine deficiency.
- Malnourishment often accompanies alcoholism.
- Neurons of mammillary bodies preserved - key.
- Loss of myelin.
- Hemorrhage.
- Edema.
- Reactive blood vessels.
- The thalamus and inferior olives show neuronal loss.[58]
Common non-specific findings
- Intracranial haemorrhage - due to trauma.
- Definition: inflammation of the meninges (pia mater, arachnoid membranes, dura mater).
Classic clinical presentation:
- Neck stiffness.
- Fever.
- +/-Headache.
- +/-Decreased level of consciousness.
CSF findings:
Type | Glucose | Protein | Cells | Cytopathology |
Bacterial, acute | low | high | neutrophils | Cytophathology |
Viral | normal | slight elevation | lymphocytes | Cytophathology |
- Infectious.
- Bacterial.
- Viral.
- Parasitic
- Autoimmune.
- Toxic.
- Aseptic - see Mollaret's meningitis.
Bacterial meningitis - most probably cause by age:[59]
Age | Organism |
Neonate | Escherichia coli, Group B Streptococcus |
Infants, children | Streptococcus pneumoniae |
Adolescents, young adults | Neisseria meningitidis |
Elderly | Streptococcus pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes |
- +/-Clouded appearance of the meninges.
- +/-Pus.
- +/-Petechiae.
- +/-Cerebral edema.
- Inflammation of the meninges:
- +/-Neutrophils.
- +/-Lymphocytes.
- +/-Plasma cells.
- +/-Microorganisms (infectious meningitis):
- Bacteria.
- Fungi, e.g. aspergillosis (may be intravascular).
Main DDx:
Cerebral abscess
- May mimic malignancy clinically.
- Sheets of neutrophils surrounded by fibrosing brain.
- Fibrosing brain: pale (lighter pink than normal brain tissue), dense.
Neurodegenerative diseases
This is a hueueuge topic. It is covered in its own article and includes a general discussion of dementia.
CNS malformations
- Abnormal cortical lamination.
- Abnormally small and partly fused gyri.
- Can be unilateral, bilateral and symmetrical.
- Intellectual disability.
- Sometimes severe encephalopathy and epilepsy.
- Cortical lamination can be unlayered or four-layered.
- Unlayered: Unorganized radial distribution of neurons.
- Four-layered: Molecular layer, outer neuronal layer, nerve fiber layer, and inner neuronal layer.
Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD)
- Localized malformations of the cortex.
- Frequently associated with epilepsy in children.
- Includes cortical dyslamination, cytoarchitectural changes and white matter abnormalities.
- Current consensus: ILAE classification scheme 2011 [61](based on previous classification by Palmini 2004):
- Type I FCD (focal)
- Ia: Abnormal radial cortical lamination.
- Ib: Abnormal tangential cortical lamination.
- Ic: Abnormal radial and tangential cortical lamination.
- Type II FCD (focal)
- IIa: Presence of dysmorphic neurons.
- IIb: Presence of dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells.
- Type III FCD (associated with other lesion)
- IIIa: FCD associated with hippocampal sclerosis.
- IIIb: FCD adjacent to a brain tumor.
- IIIc: FCD adjacent to vascular malformation.
- IIIc: FCD associated with previous injury (trauma, inflammation...).
- Small collection of ectopic glioneuronal cells.
- Morpholology resembling oligodendroglial-like cells. [62]
- Mostly amygdala, less common in hippocampus or temporal lobe.
- Can coexist with focal cortical dysplasia.
Multiple sclerosis
- Abbreviated MS.
Osmotic demyelination syndrome
- Previously known as central pontine myelinolysis (abbreviated CPM).
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
- Abbreviated ADEM.
Neuromyelitis optica
- Abbreviated NMO.
- Rare autoimmune disease - once considered a variant of multiple sclerosis.
- Autoantibodies directed at aquaporin-4.[63]
- NMO-IgG.
Clinical - preferentially:
- Eye (optic neuritis).
- Spinal cord (myelitis).
- Inflammation - lymphocytes, macrophages.
- Reactive astrocytes.
- Mixed lymphocyte population with CD3 > CD20.
- Aquaporin-4 loss.
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- Abbreviated PML.
- All are "benign", but some may be fatal due to spatial constraints.
List of cysts
- Colloid cyst.
- Columnar epithelium.
- Arachnoid cyst - considered precursor of meningioma.
- Psammoma bodies.
- Clumps of cells.
- Whorled pattern.
- Dermoid cyst.
- Skin + adnexal structures.
- ... think of ovarian dermoid.
- Epidermoid cyst.
- Choroid plexus cyst.
- Neuroenteric cyst.
- Foregut cyst with connection to dura.[64]
- Gastrointestinal tract epithelium.
- Usually seen with vertebral anomalies.
- Foregut cyst with connection to dura.[64]
- Epithelial cyst.
- Cyst with a mural nodule tumor of the brain.
- Commonly seen in: [65]
- Hemangioblastoma
- Craniopharyngioma
- Ganglioglioma
- Others.
Colloid cyst
Classic presentation:[66]
- Headache - may be relieved by lying down.
- Can cause sudden natural death.[67]
- Fluid filled cyst - classically in the third ventricle.
Colloid cyst at autopsy. (Shaktawat et al.[68])
- Simple epithelium with ciliated cells and goblet cells.
Paediatric pathology
- Due to hyperbilirubinemia.[70]
- May not be specific.[70]
Features - similar to HIE:[71]
- +/-Red neurons.
- +/-Gliosis.
Joubert syndrome
- Malformation of the cerebellar vermis.[74]
- Autosomal recessive - mutation in a number of genes including NPHP1, AHI1, and CEP290.[74]
See also
- ↑ MUN. Feb 3, 2009.
- ↑ Yeung, J.C.; Leonard, Blair J. N. (2005). The Toronto Notes 2005 - Review for the MCCQE and Comprehensive Medical Reference (2005 ed.). The Toronto Notes Inc. for Medical Students Inc.. pp. NS7. ISBN 978-0968592854.
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- ↑ Klatt, Edward C. (2006). Robbins and Cotran Atlas of Pathology (1st ed.). Saunders. pp. 202. ISBN 978-1416002741.
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