Soft tissue lesions

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Soft tissue lesions strike fear in many pathologists as they are uncommon and may be difficult to diagnose.


WHO classification of soft tissue lesions/tumours

Morphologic grouping[1]

  1. Adipocytic tumours.
  2. Fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours.
  3. "Fibrohistiocytic" tumours.
  4. Smooth muscle tumours.
  5. Skeletal muscle tumours.
  6. Vascular tumours.
  7. Perivascular (pericytic) tumours.
  8. Chondro-osseous tumours.
  9. Tumours of uncertain differentiation.

Biologic potential grouping[2]

  1. Benign.
  2. Intermediate (locally aggressive).
  3. Intermediate (rarely metastasizing).
  4. Malignant.


  • All sarcomas are rare buggers.
    • As the classification has been changing over the past years (with more subtypes being recognized/identified) numbers are variable from study-to-study.
  • Once upon a time almost everything was called malignant fibrous histiocytoma; thus, it is listed as a common entity in some publications.

Most common:[3]

  • Liposarcoma.
  • Leiomyosarcoma.

Molecular testing

  • Molecular testing plays an important role in soft tissue pathology.
  • It is generally seen as an adjunct test that:[4]
    • Often is used to confirm the histomorphologic impression/quality control.
    • Frequently has some prognostic significance.
    • May directly affect treatment.


Histologic patterns

Name Description DDx Image(s) Other
Storiform, AKA patternless pattern[5] whorled, cartwheel-like arrangement pleomorphic undifferentiated sarcoma, solitary fibrous tumour, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, dermatofibroma[6] intermed. mag., very high mag. other ?
Herring bone like herring bone (technique) for climbing a hill in cross country skiing; books on a shelf, where they have partially fallen over -- on the one shelf to the left and the one below to the right fibrosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, MPNST intermed. mag., high mag. other ?
Fasicular the long axis of the (spindle) cells are perpendicular to one another in adjacent bundles of cells leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma intermed. mag., high mag. other ?
Biphasic nests of cells and stroma synovial sarcoma, DSRCT, alveolar RMS DSRCT - high mag. (WC) other ?


  • Memory device: herring bone DDx MSF = MPNST, Synovial sarcoma, Fibrosarcoma.


  • Several systems exist.
  • The US-CAP advocates the use of the French system over the NCI system.
    • The French system is a better predictor metastases and mortality.[7]

French system


  1. Differentiation (score 1-3).
    • De facto, this is mostly the histologic type.
  2. Mitotic rate (score 1-3).
  3. Necrosis (score 0-2)

Obtaining a score:

  • Add all the points from the three components.


  • Grade 1 = 2-3.
  • Grade 2 = 4-5.
  • Grade 3 = 6-8.
  • Standardized for histologic types.
  • Most tumours = 3/3.


  • Well-differentiated liposarcoma = 1.
  • Myxoid liposarcoma = 2.
  • Conventional liposarcoma = 2.
  • Fibrosarcoma = 2.
  • Myxofibrosarcoma =2.

A group of tumours is not graded:[8]

Mitotic rate
  • 0-9 mitoses/10 HPF.
  • 10-19 mitoses/10 HPF.
  • >=20 mitoses/10 HPF.


  • 1 HPF = 0.1734 mm^2.
    • Most resident microscopes have a field of view = 0.2376 mm^2.
      • Thus, ~7.3 HPFs on a resident microscope corresponds to 10 US-CAP HPFs.
  • None = score 0.
  • <=50% of tumour = score 1.
  • >50% of tumour = score 2.

System used by some at MSH

Some pathologists at MSH use the system advocated by Costa et al..[9]


  • Grade 1 = 1 point.
  • Grade 2 = 2 points.
  • Grade 3 = 3-4 points.


Points for each of the following:

  • Mitotic activity >= 6 / 10 HPF @ 40X - definition suffers from HPFitis.
  • Pleomorphism present.
  • Cellularity (cells/matrix) > 50%.
  • Necrosis >15% - microscopic (without targeting necrosis grossly) or grossly.

Adipocytic tumours

This category includes:

  • Lipoma.
  • Liposarcoma.
  • Hibernoma.

Smooth muscle tumours



Features (summary):

  • Fasicular cellular spindle cell lesion with:
    • Nuclear atypia.
    • Necrosis.
    • High mitotic rate.

Fibrohistiocytic tumours

Pleomorphic undifferentiated sarcoma

  • Abbreviated PUS.
  • AKA Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma.
  • Previously known as malignant fibrous histiocytoma, abbreviated MFH.[10]


  • Common sarcoma.
  • Usu. deep tissue of the trunk and extremities.
  • A diagnosis of exclusion[11] / wastebasket for unclassifiable high grade sarcomas.



  • Storiform pattern (AKA patternless pattern) - key feature.
  • Marked nuclear pleomorphism key feature.
    • Variation is nuclear size, nuclear shape and nuclear staining (esp. hyperchromasia).
  • Mitoses - abundant; atypical mitoses common.
  • Necrosis (common).
  • Mix of spindle cells and epithelioid cells.

Other findings:

  • +/-Giant cells (see subclassification).
  • +/-Inflammation (see subclassification).
    • Neutrophils.
    • Eosinophils.



Pleomorphic sarcoma (PS) is subclassified the following way:[13]

  • PS with giant cells.
  • PS with inflammation.
  • PUS (not otherwise specified) - wastebasket diagnosis; if neither of the above two apply.

Fibroblastic/myofibroblastic tumours

This is a very large and important group of soft tissue lesions. It is covered in a separate article.

The grouping includes:

Perivascular tumours

This grouping includes only two:[14]

Vascular lesions

Vascular lesions are "too red"; they have too many RBCs.

They include:

Skeletal muscle tumours



  • Abbreviated RMS.

Comes it two main flavours:

  • Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.
  • Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma.

The histology may be that of a small round cell tumour.

Chondro-osseous tumours

This grouping includes tumours derived from cartilage and bone.

Tumours of uncertain differentiation

Extrarenal malignant rhabdoid tumour

  • Essentially identical to renal malignant rhabdoid tumour.[15]




  • Variable architecture.
  • Round cells.
  • Eccentric vesicular nucleus.
  • Prominent nucleolus -- key feature.


  • INI1 (SMARCB1) -ve.
    • AKA BAF47.

Ewing sarcoma/PNET

Epithelioid sarcoma


  • Rare.
  • Adolescents, young adults.


  • Proximal type:
    • More aggressive.
  • Distal type:



  • Epithelioid morphology and spindle morphology - which predominates is dependent on location (see subclassification).
  • +/-Prominent nucleolus - distinctive feature.
  • Zonal necrosis with irregular border.
    • Descriptors: "Garland necrosis", necrosis with "scalloped border" = necrotic regions with irregular border.


  • Proximal-type (proximal location):
    • More epithelioid.
  • Distal-type (distal location):
    • More spindled.
    • Granuloma-like pattern.




  • INI1 (SMARCB1[19]) -ve.[20]
  • Vimentin +ve.
  • Various keratins +ve.
    • Keratin 8, Keratin 19 +ve.
    • 34betaE12 +ve/-ve.
  • CD34 +ve.
    • Malignant rhabdoid tumour -ve.


  • S100 -ve (r/o melanoma).

Alveolar soft part sarcoma

  • Abbreviated ASPS.


  • Adolescents/young adults.
  • Children -- classically location: base of tongue and orbit.



  • Arranged in nest/separated by thin septa; vaguely resembles alveoli (at low power).
  • Large cells (~30-50 μm) with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.
  • An eccentric nucleus.
  • +/-Nucleolus.



  • t(X;17)(p11.2;q25).[21]

Desmoplastic small round cell tumour

  • Abbreviated DSRCT.


  • Males > females.
  • Usu. affects young adults.
  • Typically retroperitoneal.
  • Poor prognosis.



  1. Broad bands of paucicellular fibrous stroma with:
  2. Small round cells in nests with an undulating sharp border.


  • Usu. abundant mitoses.
  • +/-Necrosis.



  • Metastatic germ cell tumour (DDx of location and age).
  • Embryonal RMS.
    • It should be noted that DSRCT, like embryonal RMS, is +ve for desmin!
  • Solid variant of alveolar RMS.
    • Nests in alveolar RMS have round edges.



  • AE1/AE3 +ve.
  • Desmin +ve.
  • EMA +ve.
  • Actin -ve.
  • WT1 (N-terminal) -ve.
  • WT1 (C-terminal) +ve.
  • CD57 +ve.


Clear cell sarcoma

  • Known among pathologists as "soft-tissue melanoma" and "melanoma of the soft parts", as it has a strong morphological resemblance.[25]
    • Molecular changes and origin distinct from melanoma.
  • Incidence: rare soft tissue tumour.


  • Usually - deep soft tissue or extremities.
  • Guarded prognosis.
  • First described in 1965.[26]



  • Architecture: sheets or fascicular (bundles) arrangement.
  • Cells: Spindle cells or epithelioid cells.
  • Prominent nucleoli - basophilic - key feature.
  • Fibrous septae.
  • Uniform.
  • +/-Binucleation.





  • S100 +ve.
  • HMB-45 +ve.
  • Melan A (MART-1) +ve; sometimes -ve.
  • BCL2 +ve.
  • CD57 +ve (usually).


  • EMA may be +ve.
  • CAM5.2 -ve.
  • AE1/AE3 -ve.

Molecular studies

  • Chromosomal translocation t(12;22)(q13;q12).[25]
    • Fusion transcripts:
      • EWSR1-ATF1.
      • EWSR1-CREB1 (GI tract associated).

Synovial sarcoma


  • Does not arise from cartilage.[15]
    • Usually close to a joint.
    • Usually distal extremity.
  • Young adults or adolescents.
  • Poor prognosis.


Comes in three (histologic) flavours:[15][27]

  1. Spindle cell sarcoma with features of hemangiopericytoma, i.e. staghorn vessels.
  2. Biphasic synovial sarcoma:
    1. Spindle cells with features of hemangiopericytoma.
    2. Epitheliod glands or nests.
  3. Primitive round cell type.






  • Vimentin +ve.
  • EMA +ve.
  • BCL2 +ve.
  • CD99 +ve.


  • Beta-catenin +ve ~30-70%.[28]
  • Cyclin D1 ~50%.[28][29]
  • TLE1 +ve nuclear staining; not specific for synovial sarcoma.[30][31]


  • Synovial sarcoma & MPNST:
    • Both +ve: PGP9.5 (UCHL1[32]), S100, NGFR, CD56, CD99, vimentin.
    • Synovial +ve: EMA, keratin, BCL2, TLE1.
    • MPNST +ve: nestin, CD34.


  • PGP in PGP9.5 = protein gene product.[33]

Molecular pathology

Associated translocation:

  • t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2).[34]
    • SYT/SSX fusion gene.

Several SSX genes:

  • SSX1.
  • SSX2 - better survival
  • SSX4 - uncommon.


  • At HSC t(X,18) = synovial sarcoma.


Granulocytic sarcoma

  • Common alternate terms: myeloid sarcoma, chloroma.
  • Other terms:[35] myeloblastoma, chloromyeloma, chloromyelosarcoma, granulocytic leukosarcoma, or myelosarcoma.


  • Soft tissue manifestation of acute myeloid leukemia.[35]





See also


  1. Humphrey, Peter A; Dehner, Louis P; Pfeifer, John D (2008). The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology (1st ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 601-3. ISBN 978-0781765275.
  2. Humphrey, Peter A; Dehner, Louis P; Pfeifer, John D (2008). The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology (1st ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 598-604. ISBN 978-0781765275.
  3. Skubitz KM, D'Adamo DR (November 2007). "Sarcoma". Mayo Clin. Proc. 82 (11): 1409–32. PMID 17976362.
  4. Fletcher CD, Fletcher JA, Dal Cin P, Ladanyi M, Woodruff JM (July 2001). "Diagnostic gold standard for soft tissue tumours: morphology or molecular genetics?". Histopathology 39 (1): 100–3. PMID 11454050.
  5. Mangano WE, Cagle PT, Churg A, Vollmer RT, Roggli VL (August 1998). "The diagnosis of desmoplastic malignant mesothelioma and its distinction from fibrous pleurisy: a histologic and immunohistochemical analysis of 31 cases including p53 immunostaining". Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 110 (2): 191–9. PMID 9704618.
  6. Meister P, Höhne N, Konrad E, Eder M (July 1979). "Fibrous histiocytoma: an analysis of the storiform pattern". Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol 383 (1): 31–41. PMID 224569.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Guillou L, Coindre JM, Bonichon F, et al. (January 1997). "Comparative study of the National Cancer Institute and French Federation of Cancer Centers Sarcoma Group grading systems in a population of 410 adult patients with soft tissue sarcoma". J. Clin. Oncol. 15 (1): 350–62. PMID 8996162.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 URL: Accessed on: 12 April 2011.
  9. Costa J, Wesley RA, Glatstein E, Rosenberg SA (February 1984). "The grading of soft tissue sarcomas. Results of a clinicohistopathologic correlation in a series of 163 cases". Cancer 53 (3): 530–41. PMID 6692258.
  10. URL: Accessed on: 8 April 2011.
  11. Matushansky I, Charytonowicz E, Mills J, Siddiqi S, Hricik T, Cordon-Cardo C (August 2009). "MFH classification: differentiating undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma in the 21st Century". Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 9 (8): 1135–44. doi:10.1586/era.09.76. PMC 3000413. PMID 19671033.
  12. Humphrey, Peter A; Dehner, Louis P; Pfeifer, John D (2008). The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology (1st ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 613. ISBN 978-0781765275.
  13. Humphrey, Peter A; Dehner, Louis P; Pfeifer, John D (2008). The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology (1st ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 613-4. ISBN 978-0781765275.
  14. Humphrey, Peter A; Dehner, Louis P; Pfeifer, John D (2008). The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology (1st ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 602. ISBN 978-0781765275.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 Humphrey, Peter A; Dehner, Louis P; Pfeifer, John D (2008). The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology (1st ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 627. ISBN 978-0781765275.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Guillou L, Wadden C, Coindre JM, Krausz T, Fletcher CD (February 1997). ""Proximal-type" epithelioid sarcoma, a distinctive aggressive neoplasm showing rhabdoid features. Clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural study of a series". Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 21 (2): 130–46. PMID 9042279.
  17. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (Editors: Fletcher, C.D.M.; Unni, K. Krishnan; Mertens, F.) (2006). Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Soft Tissue and Bone (IARC WHO Classification of Tumours) (3rd ed.). World Health Organization. pp. 205. ISBN 978-9283224136.
  18. Miettinen M, Fanburg-Smith JC, Virolainen M, Shmookler BM, Fetsch JF (August 1999). "Epithelioid sarcoma: an immunohistochemical analysis of 112 classical and variant cases and a discussion of the differential diagnosis". Hum. Pathol. 30 (8): 934–42. PMID 10452506.
  19. Online 'Mendelian Inheritance in Man' (OMIM) 601607
  20. Mentzel T (March 2010). "[Epithelioid sarcoma: morphologic variants and differential diagnosis]" (in German). Pathologe 31 (2): 135–41. doi:10.1007/s00292-009-1250-0. PMID 19997734.
  21. Online 'Mendelian Inheritance in Man' (OMIM) 606243
  22. Pickhardt PJ, Fisher AJ, Balfe DM, Dehner LP, Huettner PC (March 1999). "Desmoplastic small round cell tumor of the abdomen: radiologic-histopathologic correlation". Radiology 210 (3): 633–8. PMID 10207460.
  23. Lee YS, Hsiao CH (October 2007). "Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: a clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical and molecular study of four patients". J. Formos. Med. Assoc. 106 (10): 854–60. doi:10.1016/S0929-6646(08)60051-0. PMID 17964965.
  24. Lal DR, Su WT, Wolden SL, Loh KC, Modak S, La Quaglia MP (January 2005). "Results of multimodal treatment for desmoplastic small round cell tumors". J. Pediatr. Surg. 40 (1): 251–5. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2004.09.046. PMID 15868593.
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Hisaoka M, Ishida T, Kuo TT, et al. (March 2008). "Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue: a clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular analysis of 33 cases". Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 32 (3): 452–60. doi:10.1097/PAS.0b013e31814b18fb. PMID 18300804.
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  27. Schaal CH, Navarro FC, Moraes Neto FA (2004). "Primary renal sarcoma with morphologic and immunohistochemical aspects compatible with synovial sarcoma". Int Braz J Urol 30 (3): 210–3. PMID 15689250.
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  32. Online 'Mendelian Inheritance in Man' (OMIM) 191342
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  35. 35.0 35.1 Eom, KS.; Kim, TY. (Mar 2011). "Intraparenchymal myeloid sarcoma and subsequent spinal myeloid sarcoma for acute myeloblastic leukemia.". J Korean Neurosurg Soc 49 (3): 171-4. doi:10.3340/jkns.2011.49.3.171. PMC 3085814. PMID 21556238.