Case 12

From Libre Pathology
Revision as of 23:30, 2 February 2014 by Michael (talk | contribs)
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Clinical history

41 year old man, watery diarrhea and abdominal pain.


Colon biopsy.

Primary image

Intermediate magnification. H&E stain.
High magnification 
High magnification. H&E stain.
Very high magnification 
Very high magnification. H&E stain.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis 
normal colon, cryptosporidiosis, CMV colitis, compatible with infectious diarrhea, ischemic colitis

Additional tests

More history

More history 
No family history of IBD. Diarrhea several weeks. Well prior to diarrhea. Medications: one anti-hypertensive.

Ask a friend

Ask a friend 
Did you see anything at high magnification?


Alcian blue/PAS to Bilirubin
Test Result
Alcian blue/PASDr Torres would ask why!
Alican blue pH 1.0Dr Torres would ask why!
Alcian blue pH 2.5Dr Torres would ask why!
AuramineDr Torres would ask why!
BielchowskyDr Torres would ask why!
BilirubinDr Torres would ask why!
Colloidal iron to Fontana-Masson
Test Result
Colloidal ironDr Torres would ask why!
Congo redDr Torres would ask why!
Cresyl violetDr Torres would ask why!
DieterleDr Torres would ask why!
Diff QuikDr Torres would ask why!
Fontana-MassonDr Torres would ask why!
Gallyas to Gremelius
Test Result
GallyasDr Torres would ask why!
GiemsaDr Torres would ask why!
GMSDr Torres would ask why!
Gomori's trichromeDr Torres would ask why!
GramDr Torres would ask why!
GremeliusDr Torres would ask why!
JMS to Mucicarmine
Test Result
JMSDr Torres would ask why!
JonesDr Torres would ask why!
KinyounDr Torres would ask why!
Luxol fast blueDr Torres would ask why!
Masson trichromeDr Torres would ask why!
M-MASDr Torres would ask why!
MovatDr Torres would ask why!
MucicarmineDr Torres would ask why!
Oil red O to Prussian blue
Test Result
Oil red ODr Torres would ask why!
OreceinDr Torres would ask why!
PASDr Torres would ask why!
PASDDr Torres would ask why!
PASFDr Torres would ask why!
PTAHDr Torres would ask why!
Prussian blueDr Torres would ask why!
Reticulin to Ziehl-Neelsen
Test Result
ReticulinDr Torres would ask why!
Sudan black BDr Torres would ask why!
Toluidine blueDr Torres would ask why!
VerhoeffDr Torres would ask why!
Von KossaDr Torres would ask why!
Ziehl-NeeslenDr Torres would ask why!


Alpha-1 AT to Cathepsin K
Test Result
alpha-1 AT Dr T would ask why!
ACTH Dr T would ask why!
AE1/AE1Dr T would ask why!
alpha-fetoprotein Dr T would ask why!
Alk-I Dr T would ask why!
AMACRDr T would ask why!
ARDr T would ask why!
ATRXDr T would ask why!
Beta2-microglobulin Dr T would ask why!
B72.3 Dr T would ask why!
Beta-cateninDr T would ask why!
BCL2 Dr T would ask why!
BCL6 Dr T would ask why!
BCLxL Dr T would ask why!
C3 comp Dr T would ask why!
CA9Dr T would ask why!
Calcitonin Dr T would ask why!
Calponin Dr T would ask why!
Calretinin Dr T would ask why!
CAM5.2Dr T would ask why!
Cathepsin KDr T would ask why!
CD10 to Chromogranin
Test Result
CD10 Dr T would ask why!
CD117 Dr T would ask why!
CD138Dr T would ask why!
CD15 Dr T would ask why!
CD1a Dr T would ask why!
CD20 Dr T would ask why!
CD21 Dr T would ask why!
CD23 Dr T would ask why!
CD3 Dr T would ask why!
CD30 Dr T would ask why!
CD31 Dr T would ask why!
CD34 Dr T would ask why!
CD35 Dr T would ask why!
CD4 Dr T would ask why!
CD43 Dr T would ask why!
CD45 (LCA)Dr T would ask why!
CD5 Dr T would ask why!
CD56 Dr T would ask why!
CD57Dr T would ask why!
CD68 Dr T would ask why!
CD7 Dr T would ask why!
CD79a Dr T would ask why!
CD8 Dr T would ask why!
CD99 Dr T would ask why!
CDX2Dr T would ask why!
CEA-m Dr T would ask why!
Chromogranin Dr T would ask why!
CK17 to Glypican 3
Test Result
CK17Dr T would ask why!
CK19Dr T would ask why!
CK20 Dr T would ask why!
CK34betaE12 Dr T would ask why!
CK5/6Dr T would ask why!
CK7 Dr T would ask why!
CMV Dr T would ask why!
c-MYC Dr T would ask why!
Cyclin D1 Dr T would ask why!
D2-40Dr T would ask why!
Desmin Dr T would ask why!
DOG1Dr T would ask why!
EBV Dr T would ask why!
EMADr T would ask why!
ER and PR Dr T would ask why!
Factor VIII Dr T would ask why!
Factor XIIIa Dr T would ask why!
Fascin Dr T would ask why!
FHDr T would ask why!
FSH Dr T would ask why!
Gastrin Dr T would ask why!
GATA3Dr T would ask why!
GCDFP-15 (BRST2)Dr T would ask why!
GFAPDr T would ask why!
GH Dr T would ask why!
Glucagon Dr T would ask why!
Glypican-3Dr T would ask why!
HBME-1 to IgM
Test Result
HBME-1 Dr T would ask why!
HBV core Dr T would ask why!
HBV surface Dr T would ask why!
H-caldesmonDr T would ask why!
HCG Dr T would ask why!
HelicobacterDr T would ask why!
Hepatocyte Dr T would ask why!
HER2/neu Dr T would ask why!
HHV-8Dr T would ask why!
HMB-45Dr T would ask why!
HNF1betaDr T would ask why!
HPV Dr T would ask why!
HSV-I Dr T would ask why!
HSV-II Dr T would ask why!
IDH-1Dr T would ask why!
Inhibin Dr T would ask why!
INI1 (BAF47)Dr T would ask why!
Insulin Dr T would ask why!
Kappa Dr T would ask why!
Ki-67 Dr T would ask why!
Lambda Dr T would ask why!
Leu 7 Dr T would ask why!
IgA Dr T would ask why!
IgG Dr T would ask why!
IgM Dr T would ask why!
Test Result
LH Dr T would ask why!
LIN28 Dr T would ask why!
Lysozyme Dr T would ask why!
mammoglobinDr T would ask why!
MAP2Dr T would ask why!
MCVDr T would ask why!
Melanin A Dr T would ask why!
MHC class I Dr T would ask why!
MITFDr T would ask why!
MUM1Dr T would ask why!
Myeloperoxidase Dr T would ask why!
MYO D1 Dr T would ask why!
MyoglobinDr T would ask why!
NapsinDr T would ask why!
NFDr T would ask why!
NKX3.1Dr T would ask why!
NSE Dr T would ask why!
OCT3/4Dr T would ask why!
p16Dr T would ask why!
P501SDr T would ask why!
p53 Dr T would ask why!
p57Dr T would ask why!
p63 Dr T would ask why!
PankeratinDr T would ask why!
PAX2Dr T would ask why!
PAX5Dr T would ask why!
PAX8Dr T would ask why!
PCNA Dr T would ask why!
PDGFRDr T would ask why!
Test Result
PLAP Dr T would ask why!
PNL-2C Dr T would ask why!
Prolactin Dr T would ask why!
PSA Dr T would ask why!
PSAPDr T would ask why!
RCCDr T would ask why!
S-100Dr T would ask why!
SALL4Dr T would ask why!
Smooth muscle actin Dr T would ask why!
Somatostatin Dr T would ask why!
STAT6 Dr T would ask why!
Synaptophysin Dr T would ask why!
TdT Dr T would ask why!
TFE3Dr T would ask why!
TFEBDr T would ask why!
Thyroglobulin Dr T would ask why!
Toxoplasma Dr T would ask why!
TSH Dr T would ask why!
TTF-1 Dr T would ask why!
Ubiquitin Dr T would ask why!
UCHL1 (PGP9.5)Dr T would ask why!
Ulex Europaeus Dr T would ask why!
VimentinDr T would ask why!
VIP Dr T would ask why!
VZV Dr T would ask why!
WT-1Dr T would ask why!


Intestinal spirochetosis.

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