Serous carcinoma of the ovary

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Serous carcinoma of the ovary, also ovarian serous carcinoma, is relatively common malignant ovarian tumour.

Serous carcinoma of the ovary
Diagnosis in short
IHC WT-1 +ve, CK7 +ve
Gross solid and cystic, serous fluid
Site ovary

Signs adnexal mass
Blood work CA-125 elevated
Radiology complex mass with solid and cystic area, often large
Prognosis poor for high-grade
Treatment surgery, chemotherapy


  • Most common malignant ovarian tumour in the eldery.
  • Poor prognosis.

Precursors lesions:


  • Ovarian mass.
    • Typically solid with multiple cystic areas.
    • Often >10 cm.


  • Lesions <10 cm unilocular lesions are usu. benign.




  • Nuclear pleomorphism:
    • Variation in size - often marked.
    • Variation in staining.
    • Variation in shape.
  • +/-Macronucleolus - key feature.
  • Eccentric nucleus.
  • Architecture:
    • Solid.
    • Papillary - classic.
    • Glandular - uncommon.
  • +/-Psammoma bodies - uncommon.
  • +/-Necrosis - often extensive.



Serous carcinoma is subdivided into:[3][4]

Grade Nuclear atypia (most important) Mitotic rate
Low-grade (Type I) mild/moderate atypia: round/oval nuclei, evenly distributed
chromatin, +/-conspicuous nucleoli
<=12 mitoses/10 HPFs †
High-grade (Type II) severe atypia: >=3:1 size variation, irregular
chromatin, +/-macronucleoli
>12 mitoses/10 HPFs †


  • † Definition suffers from HPFitis.
    • In fairness, the paper[4] notes that the Olympus BH2 microscope was used. The 40x objective on this microscope has a field diameter of 0.5 mm, according to a manual found online.[5] Assuming this is so, the field area is 0.19635 mm2. Thus, in standard units, the cut-point would be 6.1115 mitoses/1 mm2 and the sample area 1.9635 mm2.
  • Tumours very rarely transform from low-grade to high-grade.[6]




  • WT-1 +ve - key immunostain.[8]
  • CK7 +ve.
  • CA-125 +ve.
  • ER +ve.[9]
  • p53 +ve.


See also


  1. Vang, R.; Shih, IeM.; Kurman, RJ. (Jan 2013). "Fallopian tube precursors of ovarian low- and high-grade serous neoplasms.". Histopathology 62 (1): 44-58. doi:10.1111/his.12046. PMID 23240669.
  2. Bailey, CL.; Ueland, FR.; Land, GL.; DePriest, PD.; Gallion, HH.; Kryscio, RJ.; van Nagell, JR. (Apr 1998). "The malignant potential of small cystic ovarian tumors in women over 50 years of age.". Gynecol Oncol 69 (1): 3-7. doi:10.1006/gyno.1998.4965. PMID 9570990.
  3. Vang, R.; Shih, IeM.; Kurman, RJ. (Sep 2009). "Ovarian low-grade and high-grade serous carcinoma: pathogenesis, clinicopathologic and molecular biologic features, and diagnostic problems.". Adv Anat Pathol 16 (5): 267-82. doi:10.1097/PAP.0b013e3181b4fffa. PMID 19700937.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Malpica, A.; Deavers, MT.; Lu, K.; Bodurka, DC.; Atkinson, EN.; Gershenson, DM.; Silva, EG. (Apr 2004). "Grading ovarian serous carcinoma using a two-tier system.". Am J Surg Pathol 28 (4): 496-504. PMID 15087669.
  5. URL: [‎‎]. Accessed on: 1 January 2014.
  6. Garg, K.; Park, KJ.; Soslow, RA. (Sep 2012). "Low-grade serous neoplasms of the ovary with transformation to high-grade carcinomas: a report of 3 cases.". Int J Gynecol Pathol 31 (5): 423-8. doi:10.1097/PGP.0b013e31824ae6f2. PMID 22833081.
  7. Ayhan, A.; Kurman, RJ.; Yemelyanova, A.; Vang, R.; Logani, S.; Seidman, JD.; Shih, IeM. (Aug 2009). "Defining the cut point between low-grade and high-grade ovarian serous carcinomas: a clinicopathologic and molecular genetic analysis.". Am J Surg Pathol 33 (8): 1220-4. doi:10.1097/PAS.0b013e3181a24354. PMC 2716424. PMID 19461510.
  8. Köbel, M.; Kalloger, SE.; Carrick, J.; Huntsman, D.; Asad, H.; Oliva, E.; Ewanowich, CA.; Soslow, RA. et al. (Jan 2009). "A limited panel of immunomarkers can reliably distinguish between clear cell and high-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary.". Am J Surg Pathol 33 (1): 14-21. doi:10.1097/PAS.0b013e3181788546. PMID 18830127.
  9. DeLair, D.; Oliva, E.; Köbel, M.; Macias, A.; Gilks, CB.; Soslow, RA. (Jan 2011). "Morphologic spectrum of immunohistochemically characterized clear cell carcinoma of the ovary: a study of 155 cases.". Am J Surg Pathol 35 (1): 36-44. doi:10.1097/PAS.0b013e3181ff400e. PMID 21164285.
  10. Tsuchiya, A.; Sakamoto, M.; Yasuda, J.; Chuma, M.; Ohta, T.; Ohki, M.; Yasugi, T.; Taketani, Y. et al. (Dec 2003). "Expression profiling in ovarian clear cell carcinoma: identification of hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta as a molecular marker and a possible molecular target for therapy of ovarian clear cell carcinoma.". Am J Pathol 163 (6): 2503-12. PMID 14633622.
  11. Online 'Mendelian Inheritance in Man' (OMIM) 189907