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The WHO GU Blue Book 5th Ed. recommends against subtyping.
The WHO GU Blue Book 5th Ed. recommends against subtyping.
The defunct ''Type 1'' is papillary renal cell carcinoma.  It is classically associated with a MET gene alteration.
The defunct ''Type 2'' is a mix of other tumour, e.g. ALK-RCC, translocation RCC, FH-deficient RCC.
Where are 'Type 1' and 'Type 2':
*The defunct ''Type 1'' is ''papillary renal cell carcinoma''.  It is classically associated with a MET gene alteration.
*The defunct ''Type 2'' is a mix of different RCCs, e.g. ALK-RCC, translocation RCC, FH-deficient RCC.

Another subtype:
Another subtype:


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