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===Ballooning degeneration===
===Ballooning degeneration===
*Central nucleus.
{{Main|Ballooning degeneration}}
**"Fat cells" have peripheral nucleus.
*Cytoplasm cleared with "whisps" or cobbwebs.
*Large relative to normal hepatocyte.
**2-3X normal size.<ref>Guindi, M. 16 September 2009.</ref>
*The term is used only in conjunction with ''[[steatohepatitis]]''.
*''Feathery degeneration'' is the term used in the context of cholestasis.
**It is usually periportal.
Image:Ballooning_degeneration_high_mag_cropped.jpg | Ballooning degeneration. (WC/Nephron)
*[http://www.uthscsa.edu/hscnews/EnlargePicture.asp?PicName=LiverBeforeTreatment_BODY.jpg Ballooning degeneration (uthscsa.edu)].
*[http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/LIVEHTML/LIVER039.html Ballooning degeneration (med.utah.edu)].

===Ground glass hepatocytes===
===Ground glass hepatocytes===


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