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The parathyroid gland is an endocrine organ that is important in calcium regulation. It often makes an appearance in the context of thyroid surgery.



  • Identification of normal can be tricky.


  • No distinctive features - surgeons thus send 'em to pathologists.



  • Low power:
    • May vaguely resemble lymphoid tissue - may have hyperchromatic cytoplasm.
      • Does not have follicular centres like a lymph node.
    • May form gland-like structure and vaguely resemble the thyroid at low power.
    • Cytoplasm may be clear[2] - key feature.
    • Surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule.
  • High power:
    • Mixed cell population:[3]
      • Chief cells - predominant cell type, small, cytoplasm has variable staining (hyperchromatic-clear-eosinophilic).
      • Oxyphil cells (acid staining cells[4]) - abundant cytoplasm.
      • Adipocytes - increased with age, may be used to help differentiate from thyroid - key feature.

Name Staining (cytoplasm) Quantity of cells Cytoplasm (quantity) Function
(parathyroid) chief cells intense hyperchromatic to eosinophilic (see note) abundant moderate manufacture PTH
oxyphil cells moderate/light hyperchromatic to eosinophilic rare abundant ?


  • Cytoplasmic staining varies considerably on H&E preparations - it may vary from hyperchromatic[5] to clear to eosinophilic[6].
  • Chief cells tend to stain more intensely than oxyphil cells.

Thyroid vs. parathyroid (see: parathyroid image):

  • Parathyroid cytoplasm:
    • Hyperchromatic.

Parathyroid vs. lymphoid tissue (see parathyroid image):

  • Parathyroid:
    • No germinal centres.
    • Gland-like/follicular-like arrangement -- much smaller than normal follicles of
    • Occasional cell with rim of clear cytoplasm (oxyphil?).


Parathyroid hyperplasia

  • Parathyroid hyperplasia - classically assoc. with renal failure.
  • Chief cell hyperplasia - associated with MEN I, MEN IIa.[7]

Parathryoid adenoma

  • One parathyroid is big... the others are small.
  • Associated with MEN I and MEN IIa/b (II/III).



Image: Parathyroid adenoma (med.utah.edu).[8]

Parathyroid carcinoma


  • Extremely rare.

See also
