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==Renal cell carcinoma grading==
==Renal cell carcinoma grading==
{{Main|Renal cell carcinoma grading}}
There are two systems:
*''Fuhrman grading'':
**Older and more complicated.
**Based on nuclear size and shape, chromatin pattern and [[nucleoli|nucleolar size]].<ref name=Ref_GUP282>{{Ref GUP|282}}</ref>
*''[[ISUP]] grading'':<ref name=pmid24025520>{{cite journal |author=Delahunt B, Cheville JC, Martignoni G, ''et al.'' |title=The International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) grading system for renal cell carcinoma and other prognostic parameters |journal=Am. J. Surg. Pathol. |volume=37 |issue=10 |pages=1490–504 |year=2013 |month=October |pmid=24025520 |doi=10.1097/PAS.0b013e318299f0fb |url=}}</ref>
**Newer and less complicated.
**Mostly based on [[nucleoli|nucleolar size]] and to a much lesser degree on size and morphology
**Developed based on ''Fuhrman grading''.
===ISUP grading===
Criteria:<ref name=pmid24025520/>
*Grade 1 - nucleoli absent/very small at 400x. §
*Grade 2 - nucleoli seen with 400x, but not at 100x. §§
*Grade 3 - nucleoli seen at 100x, i.e. with the 10x objective.
*Grade 4 - extreme nuclear pleomorphism (esp. nuclear enlargement) ''or'' [[renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid differentiation|sarcomatoid differentiation]] ([[spindle cell]]s<ref name=pmid15763002>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Dall'Oglio | first1 = MF. | last2 = Lieberknecht | first2 = M. | last3 = Gouveia | first3 = V. | last4 = Sant'Anna | first4 = AC. | last5 = Leite | first5 = KR. | last6 = Srougi | first6 = M. | title = Sarcomatoid differentiation in renal cell carcinoma: prognostic implications. | journal = Int Braz J Urol | volume = 31 | issue = 1 | pages = 10-6 | month =  | year =  | doi =  | PMID = 15763002 }}</ref> or [[Renal cell carcinoma with rhabdoid morphology|rhabdoid cells]]).
Cavets:<ref name=pmid24025520/>
*Higher grade component trumps lower grade component.
**No agreed upon minimum quantity of high grade component for upgrading.
***37% use 1 field of view with the x10 objective. †
***41% use 1 field of view with the x40 objective. ‡
*Grading system ''not'' used for ''[[chromophobe RCC]]''.
**The experience with the ''Fuhrman grading'' system showed it is ''not'' prognostic for chromophobe RCC.<ref name=pmid17527087>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Delahunt | first1 = B. | last2 = Sika-Paotonu | first2 = D. | last3 = Bethwaite | first3 = PB. | last4 = McCredie | first4 = MR. | last5 = Martignoni | first5 = G. | last6 = Eble | first6 = JN. | last7 = Jordan | first7 = TW. | title = Fuhrman grading is not appropriate for chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. | journal = Am J Surg Pathol | volume = 31 | issue = 6 | pages = 957-60 | month = Jun | year = 2007 | doi = 10.1097/01.pas.0000249446.28713.53 | PMID = 17527087 }}</ref>
*† Suffers from [[IPFitis]].
*‡ Suffers from [[HPFitis]].
*§ Some describe Grade 1 nuclei as ''lymphocyte-like''.{{fact}}
*§§ Some suggest the following relationship between grading/nucleoli:{{fact}}  
**Grade 1 = nucleoli seen at 400x.
**Grade 2 = nucleoli seen at 200x.
**Grade 3 = nucleoli seen at 100x.

==Renal cell carcinoma staging==
==Renal cell carcinoma staging==


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