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6,749 bytes removed ,  03:43, 22 August 2015
Replaced content with "This article collects quizzes for gynecologic cytopathology. *Quiz:Pap test 1. *Quiz:Pap test 2. *Quiz:Pap test 3. Category:Quiz"
(Replaced content with "This article collects quizzes for gynecologic cytopathology. *Quiz:Pap test 1. *Quiz:Pap test 2. *Quiz:Pap test 3. Category:Quiz")
Line 1: Line 1:
This is a little quiz to test your [[gynecologic cytopathology]] knowledge!
This article collects quizzes for [[gynecologic cytopathology]].

<quiz display=simple>
*[[Quiz:Pap test 1]].
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.jpg|right|link=|400px]]}}
*[[Quiz:Pap test 2]].
*[[Quiz:Pap test 3]].
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Benign endocervical epithelium - 3 -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|400px]]}}
+NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Herpes_simplex_virus_pap_test.jpg|right|link=|415px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
+NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Squamous reactive changes - Pap -- very high mag.gif|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
+NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion - 3 -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Endometrial cells on Pap - 2a -- very high mag.gif |right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
+NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Herpes simplex virus pap test 2.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
+NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Adenocarcinoma_on_pap_test_1_and_2.gif|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Trichomonas pap test.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
+NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion - 3 -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Trichomonas - Pap - 3 -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
+NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Clue cells - Pap test -- very high mag.jpg |right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image: Endometrial cells on Pap - 2 -- very high mag.gif|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
+NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ - cyto -- very high mag.gif|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image: Candida - Pap test -- high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
+NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion - 4 -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Trichomonas - Pap - 2 -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
+NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Adenocarcinoma - Pap test -- very high mag.gif|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion - 2 -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Serous carcinoma - Pap -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Atypical_squamous_cell_of_undetermined_significance_-_1a_--_high_mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Benign_endocervical_epithelium_-_2_-_alt_--_high_mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
+NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas
{Diagnosis? <br />{{NoImageNotes|[[Image:Endocervical adenocarcinoma in situ - cyto - alt -- very high mag.jpg|right|link=|435px]]}}
-NILM endocervical cells
-NILM endometrial cells
-NILM reactive
-NILM herpes
-NILM candida
-NILM trichomonas



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