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Image:Nonfunctioning_pituitary_adenoma_%281%29.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - non-functioning. (WC)
Image:Nonfunctioning_pituitary_adenoma_%281%29.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - non-functioning. (WC/KGH)
Image:Pituitary_adenoma_%281%29_GH_production.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - GH producing. (WC)
File:HE fibrosis pituitary adenoma.jpg | Extensive interstitial and perivascular fibrosis in a pituitary adenoma (WC/jensflorian)
File:PRL HE histology.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - PRL producing, HE. Note the basophilic appearance of the cells (WC/jensflorian)
File:PRL adenoma treatment HE.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - PRL producing, HE. Extensive regressive changes after after dopamine agonist treatment (WC/jensflorian)
File:PRL IHC pituitary adenoma.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - PRL producing, Prolactin IHC (WC/jensflorian)
File:Densely granulated HGH producing adenoma.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - HGH producing, HE. The cells have a slightly eosinophilic appearance (WC/jensflorian)
File:Sparsely granulated HGH adenoma.jpg | Sparsely granulated adenoma - HGH producing. Note the numerous fibrous bodies in HE stain (WC/jensflorian)
File:HGH adenoma CK8.jpg | Sparsely granulated adenoma - HGH producing. CK8 IHC highlighting fibrous bodies (WC/jensflorian)
File:TSHoma HE.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - TSH producing. HE stain showing pleomorphism (WC/jensflorian)
File:TSHoma IHC-TSH.jpg |  Pituitary adenoma - TSH producing. TSH IHC can be heterogeneous (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Pituitary_adenoma_%281%29_GH_production.jpg | Pituitary adenoma - GH producing. (WC/KGH)
File:HE-GHoma.jpg | Pituitary adenoma , HE. This gonadotropin producing adenoma has a papillary architecture (WC/jensflorian)
File:FSH-GHoma.jpg | Pituitary adenoma, IHC for FSH (WC/jensflorian)
File:LH-GHoma.jpg | Pituitary adenoma, IHC for LH (WC/jensflorian)
File:ACTHoma-PAS-O-G.jpg | Pituitary adenoma , ACTH producing. PAS-O-G stain showing basophilic adenoma cells (WC/jensflorian)
File:ACTHoma-IHC.jpg | Pituitary adenoma , ACTH producing. Strong ACTH IHC in this basophilic adenoma (WC/jensflorian)



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