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*There are many classifications and they are controversial.<ref name=pmid21970481>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Panarelli | first1 = NC. | last2 = Yantiss | first2 = RK. | title = Mucinous neoplasms of the appendix and peritoneum. | journal = Arch Pathol Lab Med | volume = 135 | issue = 10 | pages = 1261-8 | month = Oct | year = 2011 | doi = 10.5858/arpa.2011-0034-RA | PMID = 21970481 }}</ref>
*There are many classifications and they are controversial.<ref name=pmid21970481>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Panarelli | first1 = NC. | last2 = Yantiss | first2 = RK. | title = Mucinous neoplasms of the appendix and peritoneum. | journal = Arch Pathol Lab Med | volume = 135 | issue = 10 | pages = 1261-8 | month = Oct | year = 2011 | doi = 10.5858/arpa.2011-0034-RA | PMID = 21970481 }}</ref>
**The controversy centres on whether to call all mucinous tumours outside of the appendix ''adenocarcinoma'' - regardless of whether they have [[nuclear atypia|atypia]] & show invasion.
**The controversy centres on whether to call all mucinous tumours outside of the appendix ''adenocarcinoma'' - regardless of whether they have [[nuclear atypia|atypia]] & show invasion.
*Many potential pathways for extraappendiceal spread and peritoneal mucin deposition (pseudomyxoma peritonei)
*Many potential pathways for extra-appendiceal spread and peritoneal mucin deposition (pseudomyxoma peritonei)
**A mucinous neoplasm ruptures the appendix due to expansion by excessive mucin  
**A mucinous neoplasm ruptures the appendix due to expansion by excessive mucin  
***Could occur with either a benign or malignant neoplam.
***Could occur with either a benign or malignant neoplasm.
**Malignant mucinous glands infiltrate through the appendiceal wall or enter the lymphatics and spread throughout the peritoneum.
**Malignant mucinous glands infiltrate through the appendiceal wall or enter the lymphatics and spread throughout the peritoneum.
***Would require a malignant neoplasm.
***Would require a malignant neoplasm.
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**Vaguely resemble ''serrations'', i.e. the ''saw-tooth'' pattern in hyperplastic polyps of the colon.
**Vaguely resemble ''serrations'', i.e. the ''saw-tooth'' pattern in hyperplastic polyps of the colon.
*Mucin contained (inside appendix only).
*Mucin contained (inside appendix only).
** mucin extravasation into the appendiceal wall does not upgrade the tumour.
*No marked nuclear atypia.
*No marked nuclear atypia.

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Image: Mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix - alt -- high mag.jpg | Mucinous cystadenoma - high mag. (WC)
Image: Mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix - alt -- high mag.jpg | Mucinous cystadenoma - high mag. (WC)
Image: Mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix -- very high mag.jpg | Mucinous cystadenoma - very high mag. (WC)
Image: Mucinous cystadenoma of the appendix -- very high mag.jpg | Mucinous cystadenoma - very high mag. (WC)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm LP - Copy PA.JPG|Appendiceal Low Grade Mucinous Neoplasm - mucin extravasation into the appendiceal wall - low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MucinousNeoplasm LowGrade LP PA.JPG|Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm - low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MucinousNeoplasm LowGrade LP PA.JPG|Appendiceal Low Grade Mucinous Neoplasm - low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm LP-2 PA.JPG|Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm -   mucin extravasation into the appendiceal wall- low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MucinousNeoplasm LowGrade HP PA.JPG|Appendiceal Low Grade Mucinous Neoplasm - high power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm LP - Copy PA.JPG|Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm - mucin extravasation into the appendiceal wall - low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm LP 14BR***.jpg|Appendiceal Low Grade Mucinous Neoplasm - low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MucinousNeoplasm LowGrade HP (2) PA.JPG|Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm - medium power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MP 14BR***.jpg|Appendiceal Low Grade Mucinous Neoplasm - medium power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MucinousNeoplasm LowGrade HP PA.JPG|Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm - high power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm LP-2 PA.JPG|Appendiceal Low Grade Mucinous Neoplasm -   mucin extravasation into the appendiceal wall- low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm LP 14BR***.jpg|Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Neoplasm - low power (SKB)
Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MP 14BR***.jpg|Low Grade Appendiceal  Mucinous Neoplasm - medium power (SKB)

Image: Appendix LowGradeMucinousNeoplasm MucinousNeoplasm LowGrade HP (2) PA.JPG|Appendiceal Low Grade Mucinous Neoplasm - high power (SKB)



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