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468 bytes added ,  08:06, 17 December 2014
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Clinical features:
Clinical features:
*Classic finding: jaw claudication, in a patient older than 50 years.
*Classic finding: jaw claudication, in a patient older than 50 years.
*Other findings: headache, vision loss or diplopia, scalp tenderness, polymyalgia, weight loss, chills, fever.
*Other findings: headache (very common),<ref name=pmid25457237>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Le | first1 = K. | last2 = Bools | first2 = LM. | last3 = Lynn | first3 = AB. | last4 = Clancy | first4 = TV. | last5 = Hooks | first5 = WB. | last6 = Hope | first6 = WW. | title = The effect of temporal artery biopsy on the treatment of temporal arteritis. | journal = Am J Surg | volume =  | issue =  | pages =  | month = Oct | year = 2014 | doi = 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2014.07.007 | PMID = 25457237 }}</ref> vision loss or diplopia, scalp tenderness, polymyalgia, weight loss, chills, fever.

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*Treat right away with high dose steroids.
*Treat right away with high dose steroids.
**Biopsy is confirmatory.  
**Biopsy is confirmatory.



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