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=Diseases of the placental attachment=
=Diseases of the placental attachment=
==Placenta creta==
==Placenta creta==
Includes ''placenta accreta'', ''placenta increta'', and ''placenta percreta''.
**Trophoblastic tissue deeper than it should be.
{{Main|Placenta creta}}
**Postpartum hemorrhage leading to a hysterectomy.<ref name=pmid18514815>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Tantbirojn | first1 = P. | last2 = Crum | first2 = CP. | last3 = Parast | first3 = MM. | title = Pathophysiology of placenta creta: the role of decidua and extravillous trophoblast. | journal = Placenta | volume = 29 | issue = 7 | pages = 639-45 | month = Jul | year = 2008 | doi = 10.1016/j.placenta.2008.04.008 | PMID = 18514815 }}</ref>
**It is suspected that it arises as there is defect in the endometrium/myometrium -- ''not'' deep trophoblastic invasion.<ref name=pmid18514815/>
**Risk factors:<ref name=pmid23466142>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Wortman | first1 = AC. | last2 = Alexander | first2 = JM. | title = Placenta accreta, increta, and percreta. | journal = Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am | volume = 40 | issue = 1 | pages = 137-54 | month = Mar | year = 2013 | doi = 10.1016/j.ogc.2012.12.002 | PMID = 23466142 }}</ref>
***Placenta previa.
***Previous caesarian section.
*Normal: trophoblastic tissue attaches to the decidua.<ref name=Ref_Pathde_974>{{Ref Pathde|974}}</ref>
*Retained placentas have less multinucleated trophoblastic giant cells.<ref name=pmid19734475>{{Cite journal  | last1 = van Beekhuizen | first1 = HJ. | last2 = Joosten | first2 = I. | last3 = de Groot | first3 = AN. | last4 = Lotgering | first4 = FK. | last5 = van der Laak | first5 = J. | last6 = Bulten | first6 = J. | title = The number of multinucleated trophoblastic giant cells in the basal decidua is decreased in retained placenta. | journal = J Clin Pathol | volume = 62 | issue = 9 | pages = 794-7 | month = Sep | year = 2009 | doi = 10.1136/jcp.2009.065953 | PMID = 19734475 }}</ref>
===Placenta accreta===
*Trophoblastic tissue (directly) adherent to the myometrium.<ref name=Ref_Pathde_974>{{Ref Pathde|974}}</ref>
*[http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/jpeg2/PLAC040.jpg Placenta accreta (med.utah.edu)].<ref>URL: [http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/EXAM/IMGQUIZ/plfrm.html http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/EXAM/IMGQUIZ/plfrm.html]. Accessed on: 3 December 2011.</ref>
*[http://www.flickr.com/photos/lunarcaustic/4114362341/ Placenta accreta (flickr.com/lunar caustic)].
===Placenta increta===
*Trophoblastic tissue extends into the myometrium.
===Placenta percreta===
*Trophoblastic tissue penetrates through the myometrium.

==Placental abruption==
==Placental abruption==


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