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#redirect [[Gestational_trophoblastic_disease#Exaggerated_placental_site]]
'''Exaggerated placental site''', abbreviated '''EPS''', is an uncommon benign pathology that is a
[[gestational trophoblastic disease]].

It was previously known as '''syncytial endometritis'''.<ref>URL: [http://www.webpathology.com/image.asp?case=565&n=7 http://www.webpathology.com/image.asp?case=565&n=7]. Accessed on: 22 May 2014.</ref>
*"Increased number" of implantation-site [[Intermediate trophoblast|intermediate trophoblastic cells]].
*Used to go by a terrible old term: ''syncytial endometritis'':<ref name=ouhsc_kfung>URL: [http://moon.ouhsc.edu/kfung/IACP-OLP/TC-Text/TC-01-Supp.pdf http://moon.ouhsc.edu/kfung/IACP-OLP/TC-Text/TC-01-Supp.pdf]. Accessed on: 15 August 2011.</ref>
**Not syncytial -- mostly.
**Not inflammatory.
Features:<ref name=ouhsc_kfung/>
*Intermediate trophoblast:
**Abundant (eosinophilic) cytoplasm.
*Usu. adjacent to:
**[[Chorionic villi]].
**Decidua - endometrial stromal cells with a nucleus central, eosinphilic cytoplasm, well-defined cell borders.
*No mitotic activity.
*Ectatic blood vessels.
*MIB1 ~0%.
**Used to differentiate from [[PSTT]].
==See also==
*[[Gestational trophoblastic disease]].
[[Category:Gestational trophoblastic disease]]


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