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157 bytes added ,  03:46, 20 February 2014
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===Additional tests===
===Additional tests===
====More history====
====More history====
{{hidden|More history|<center>The colonoscopy shows some blood. No hemorrhoids present. The rectosigmoid is normal. The splenic flexure appears inflamed. Left colon and TI normal. Previously had several low risk polyps on screening colonscopy. Smoker - 40 pack years. Medications: metformin, HCTZ, Altace, ASA, Liptor, allopurinol.</center>}}
{{hidden|More history|<center>The patient presented to the ER with bright red blood per rectum and abdominal pain. He said he has had this before -- it got better on its own after a while. A colonoscopy shows some blood. No hemorrhoids present. The rectosigmoid is normal. The splenic flexure appears inflamed. Left colon and TI normal. Previously had several low risk polyps on screening colonscopy. Smoker - 40 pack years. Medications: metformin, HCTZ, Altace, ASA, Liptor, allopurinol.</center>}}

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