Difference between revisions of "Uterine tumours"

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236 bytes added ,  17:35, 18 May 2010
rename article
m (moved Endometrial stromal tumours to Uterine tumours: more accurate name)
(rename article)
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'''Endometrial stromal tumours''' is like water in the sea - very very common.  Many hysterectomies are done for 'em... the most common are leiomyomata (AKA fibroids).
This article deals with '''uterine tumours''', excluding tumours that arise from the endometrium.
Uterine tumours are like water in the sea - very very common.  Many hysterectomies are done for 'em... the most common are leiomyomata ([[AKA]] fibroids).
Pre-malignant endometrium and endometrial tumours are dealt with in the articles, ''[[endometrial hyperplasia]]'' and ''[[endometrial carcinoma]]''.



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