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851 bytes added ,  12:58, 25 March 2013
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*Invasion of the adventitia (only) would quality as EPE; this is, usually, T3a.
*Invasion of the adventitia (only) would quality as EPE; this is, usually, T3a.
====Lymph node metastases====
{{Main|Lymph node metastasis}}
*Essentially never happens in Gleason score 6 cancers.
**A study of over 14,000 Gleason score <=6 cases found 22 cases with lymph node metastases -- all of the 19 cases available for review were determined to have a higher Gleason score and some Gleason pattern 4 or 5.<ref name=pmid22531173>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Ross | first1 = HM. | last2 = Kryvenko | first2 = ON. | last3 = Cowan | first3 = JE. | last4 = Simko | first4 = JP. | last5 = Wheeler | first5 = TM. | last6 = Epstein | first6 = JI. | title = Do adenocarcinomas of the prostate with Gleason score (GS) ≤6 have the potential to metastasize to lymph nodes? | journal = Am J Surg Pathol | volume = 36 | issue = 9 | pages = 1346-52 | month = Sep | year = 2012 | doi = 10.1097/PAS.0b013e3182556dcd | PMID = 22531173 }}</ref>



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