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#Understanding the causes of failures/adverse events in the context of the processes.
#Understanding the causes of failures/adverse events in the context of the processes.
#Continually doing all of the above with the aim of improving outcomes - continuous quality improvement.
#Continually doing all of the above with the aim of improving outcomes - continuous quality improvement.
=System documentation and description=
Quality Management Program-Laboratory Services (QMP-LS) defines a hierarchy of documentation:<ref name=qmpls_org>URL: [http://www.qmpls.org/LaboratoryAccreditation/OLAActivitiesEducationalTools/OLAPresentations/tabid/111/id/11/Default.aspx) http://www.qmpls.org/LaboratoryAccreditation/OLAActivitiesEducationalTools/OLAPresentations/tabid/111/id/11/Default.aspx)]. Accessed on: 18 April 2012.</ref>
*High level document
*Describes rationale for processes, defines goals/objectives - includes parameters that can be measured.
*Intermediate level document.
*Defines input and outputs, outlines the steps taken to achieve an objective - should ''not'' be overly detailed.
*Low level document.
*Detailed line-by-line instructions - description of the workflow.



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