CAP Molecular Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
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Expand List 5 treatment defining molecular transformation, the neoplasm, and the genetic alteration
Expand List and describe 5 areas of Genetic characaterization of tumours for personalized medicine
Expand What fraction of Lung adenocarcinomas have no known detactable mutations
Expand What are the three most common molecular alterations of Lung Adenocarcinoma
Expand What is the two most common molecular alteration makes patients with EGFR mutations resistant to targetted therapies?
Expand List two EGFR kinase inhibitors.
Expand What are the three most common cancers associated with KRAS mutations?
Expand Why don't KRAS + tumours respond to Anti EGFR therapies?
Expand Explain the cost effectiveness of genetic testing for targetted therapies?
Expand What are the three most common cancers associated with BRAF mutations?
Expand Beta catenin/CTNNB1 expression is found with which histological pattern of lung adenocarcinoma?
Expand What is the most common ALK rearrangement found in NSCLC?
Expand List some pros and cons of ALK FISH.
Expand List some pros and cons of ALK IHC.
Expand What is a positive count in the ALK-FISH?