CAP Breast Cancer and Molecular
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Expand List 3 patient and 4 tumour features that affect Prognosis and treatment.
Expand Describe the histological grading system used for breast cancer.
Expand Describe the genomic grading system used for breast cancer.
Expand What defines a positive ER by IHC for the purpose of determining Tamoxifen therapy?
Expand what defines a positive HER2 for the purpose of treatment with Herceptin?
Expand What are the indications for chemotherapy for breast cancer patients?
Expand What are the indications for hormonal therapy alone?
Expand What are the four categories of breast cancer using the molecular classification of gene expression?
Expand What is the difference between unsupervised and supervised molecular classification of tumours?
Expand What are the four groups and list one gene for each used in the Oncotype Dx 21 Gene prognostic model.
Expand What are the features of Luminal A breast cancer?
Expand What are the features of Luminal B breast cancer?
Expand What are the features of Luminal B HER2
Expand What are the features of Her2 Enriched breast cancers?
Expand What are the features of Basal breast cancer?