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Image:Fibrocystic_change_-_very_high_mag.jpg | FCC with apocrine metaplasia (right bottom of image) - high mag. (WC/Nephron).
Image:Fibrocystic_change_-_very_high_mag.jpg | FCC with apocrine metaplasia (right bottom of image) - high mag. (WC/Nephron).
Image:Breast ApocrineChange HP CTR.jpg|Breast - Apocrine Change - high power (SKB)
Image:Breast ApocrineChange HP CTR.jpg|Breast - Apocrine Change - high power (SKB)
==Duct ectasia==
*Dilation of large ducts secondary to luminal obstruction by inspissated secretions
**~age 40-50, possibly with cheesy nipple discharge
**Duct lumen dilated and containing foamy macrophages
**Necrosis/shedding of epithelium
**If duct rupture: chronic and granulomatous inflammation of periductal region
**Fibrotic thickening of duct wall
Image:Breast DuctEctasia LP PA.JPG|Breast -  Duct Ectasia - low power (SKB)
Image:Breast DuctEctasia MP2 PA.JPG|Breast -  Duct Ectasia - low power (SKB)
Image:Breast DuctEctasia MP PA.JPG|Breast -  Duct Ectasia - medium power (SKB)



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