User contributions
26 September 2015
Case 117
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 52 year old woman, hysterectomy done for leiomyoma ===Site=== Uterus- myometrium ===Primary image=== Image: Atypical leiomyoma with bizarre..."
Case 115
no edit summary
Case 116
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 45 year old woman, with intractable uterine bleeding unresponsive to hormone therapy. Mass lesion in the myometrium ===Site=== Uterus- myomet..."
Case 115
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 54 year old woman, incidental lesion discovered at time of risk reducing salpingooophorectomy ===Site=== Fallopian tube ===Primary image=== [..."
24 September 2015
Case 112
no edit summary
Case 112
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Case 112
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 42 year old woman with a 9 cm ovarian mass ===Site=== ZZZ ===Primary image=== Image: Gross of borderline serous tumor of the ovary 01.jpg|5..."
Case 111
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 28 year old woman with a positive pregnancy test. Cornual mass on ultrasound. No fetal heart identified. ===Site=== Pregnancy ===Primary im..."
23 September 2015
Case 108
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 36 year old pregnant woman with multiple polypoid lesions on the vulva ===Site=== Vulva ===Primary image=== Image: Fibroepithelial polyp of..."
Case 107
no edit summary
Case 107
Case 107
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 53 year old woman with a 11 cm cystic mass with focal small solid area on ultrasound, thought to be a cystadenoma or cystadenofibroma preoperat..."
22 September 2015
Case 105
no edit summary
Case 105
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Case 105
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Case 105
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Case 105
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== 56 year old woman, with history of increased menstrual bleeding. 4.5 cm mass on ultrasound of the uterus ===Site=== Uterus- stromal ===Prima..."
21 September 2015
Case 103
no edit summary
Case 103
no edit summary
Case 103
Created page with "===Provided clinical history=== XXX year old man/woman, YYY ===Site=== ZZZ ===Primary image=== 500px|link=|center| <cente..."
3 May 2015
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary
no edit summary