Nipple adenoma

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Nipple adenoma is a benign pathology of the breast.

Nipple adenoma
Diagnosis in short

Nipple adenoma. H&E stain.

LM proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial elements that extends into the breast stroma; not encapsulated; lacks true fibrovascular cores, +/-focal necrosis
LM DDx intraductal papilloma of the breast
Site breast - nipple

Prevalence uncommon
Prognosis benign
Clin. DDx Paget's disease of the breast

It is also known as nipple duct adenoma, nipple adenoma of breast, adenoma of the nipple and florid papillomatosis of the nipple.[1]


  • A benign lesion with papillary architecture arising at the nipple.
  • Rare.[2]
  • Reported in men.[1]

Clinical DDx:



  • Not encapsulated.[4]
  • Proliferation of epithelial and myoepithelial elements that extends into the breast stroma.[4]
  • Arborising papillomatous epithelial proliferation within duct
  • (Papillae have fibrovascular cores) at least as far as I can see but not according to Stanford.
  • Florid epithelial hyperplasia can be seen
  • Can see haphazard arrangement of proliferating tubular structures


  • Lacks true fibrovascular cores.[5]
  • Focal necrosis may be present.[6]


  • Intraductal papilloma of the breast.
    • Found within the duct not the stroma.
    • Often deeper - one should not see skin in the histologic section.
  • Syringomatous adenoma
  • Intraductal carcinoma - the proliferation in nipple adenoma should be no more atypical than that seen with usual intraductal hyperplasia or intraductal papillomatosis. Cribriforming glands should be absent
  • Invasive ductal carcinoma - IHC is useful (see below) the ducts should all be lined by myoepithelium.



See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Boutayeb, S.; Benomar, S.; Sbitti, Y.; Harroudi, T.; Hassam, B.; Errihani, H. (2012). "Nipple adenoma in a man: An unusual case report.". Int J Surg Case Rep 3 (5): 190-2. doi:10.1016/j.ijscr.2011.05.008. PMID 22342578.
  2. Shinn, L.; Woodward, C.; Boddu, S.; Jha, P.; Fouroutan, H.; Péley, G.. "Nipple adenoma arising in a supernumerary mammary gland: a case report.". Tumori 97 (6): 812-4. doi:10.1700/1018.11102. PMID 22322852.
  3. HANDLEY, RS.; THACKRAY, AC. (Jun 1962). "Adenoma of nipple.". Br J Cancer 16: 187-94. PMC 2070922. PMID 13904317.
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Adenoma of Nipple.". Br Med J 1 (5330): 563. Mar 1963. PMC 2123505. PMID 20789667.
  5. URL: Accessed on: 6 August 2011.
  6. Lefkowitch, Jay H. (2006). Anatomic Pathology Board Review (1st ed.). Saunders. pp. 307 Q16. ISBN 978-1416025887.