Breast grossing

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This article deals with partial mastectomy grossing.

An ink breast lumpectomy specimen. (WC/Ed Uthman)


A common procedure for breast lesions that are small.


Specimen - type/size/characteristics:

  • Specimen type: partial mastectomy.
  • Specimen orientation: [short-superior, long-lateral, double deep].
  • Surgical guidewire: [present/absent].
  • Specimen size (superior-inferior, medial-lateral, anterior-posterior): [___ x ___ x ___] cm.
  • Surface disruption/intactness: [intact/disrupted at (location) - defect measures ___ cm].
  • Skin: [___ x ___ cm/absent].
  • Inking code: [posterior-black, anterior-yellow, superior-blue, interior-red].


  • Slicing: [medial-to-lateral, parasagittal cuts].
  • Number of slices: [number].
  • Slices sent of x-ray: [yes/no].
  • Calcifications: [present/not identified].


  • Tumour location in slices: [___ to ___].
  • Tumour size (superior-inferior, medial-lateral, anterior-posterior): [___ x ___ x ___] cm.
  • Closest margin and distance: [___ margin, ___ cm].
  • Distance to other margins: [anterior: [___ cm/not applicable], posterior: [___ cm/not applicable], superior [___ cm/not applicable], inferior [___ cm/not applicable], medial: [___ cm/not applicable], lateral: [___ cm/not applicable].


  • Uninvolved parenchyma - appearance: [fibrous/fatty].
  • Other findings: [none/description of other findings].

Protocol notes


Alternate approaches

See also

Related protocols


External links