Invasive lobular carcinoma

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Invasive lobular carcinoma, abbreviated ILC, is the second most common form of Invasive breast cancer.

Invasive lobular carcinoma
Diagnosis in short

Lobular carcinoma. H&E stain.
LM DDx invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast with lobular features, poorly differentiated carcinoma, LCIS
IHC usu. ER and PR +ve, HER2 -ve, CK7 +ve
Site breast - see invasive breast cancer

Syndromes hereditary diffuse gastric cancer syndrome

Prevalence relatively common
Clin. DDx other breast tumours

It may be referred to as lobular carcinoma; however, this may lead to confusion with lobular carcinoma in situ.


  • May be associated with a CDH1 mutation - seen in diffuse type gastric cancer.[1][2]



  • "Single file" - cell line-up in a row.
    • Cell should not be cohesive -- lymphoma should briefly come to mind.
      • primary lymphoma of the breast exists... but it is extremely rare.
  • NO gland formation.
    • If it forms glands... it is more likely NST.
  • May have signet ring morphology.
  • NO desmoplastic reaction, i.e. the stroma surrounding the tumour cells should look benign and undisturbed.


  • Commonly have low grade nuclear features.



More WC images:


  • Classic lobular carcinoma.
    • Low nuclear grade - NO significant variation of nucleus size.
  • Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma.
    • Significant nuclear atypia.


  • Some pathologist grade lobular carcinoma like other types and avoid the term "pleomorphic lobular carcinoma."[3]

See also
