Paget disease of the breast

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Paget disease of the breast, also Paget's disease of the breast, is a thingy seen in the breast... and elsewhere - except bone.

There is also a Paget disease of the bone - just to make things confusing. This is dealt with in the bone article and has nothing (from a pathologic perspective) to do with the Paget disease discussed in this article; these two things just happened to be discovered by the same guy.

Non-bone Paget disease is subdivided into:

  1. Mammary Paget disease.
  2. Extramammary Paget disease.

Histologically, i.e. under the microscope, the above are essentially identically; however, the associations (and prognosis) are quite different!


  • Cells in the epithelium, i.e. skin, that look like they don't belong.
  • Associated with underlying breast carcinoma.[1]


  • Extra-mammary Paget's disease is not assoc. with malignancy.



  • Epitheliod morphology (round/ovoid).
  • Cells nested or single.
  • Clear/pale cytoplasm key feature - may also be eosinophilic.
  • Large nucleoli.





  • S-100 -ve, HMB-45 -ve (both typically +ve in melanoma).
  • CK7 +ve
  • CEA +ve (-ve in Bowen's disease, -ve in Toker cells).


  • HER2/neu - usually +ve.
  • CK5/6 -ve.[2]
    • Usu. +ve in squamous cell carcinoma.

See also
