Complex sclerosing lesion

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Complex sclerosing lesion (abbreviated CSL), also radial scar, is a benign lesion of the breast that is associated with an increased risk of subsequent breast cancer.

Complex sclerosing lesion
Diagnosis in short

Synonyms radial scar

LM stellate lesion (low magnification), center of lesion has fibroelastosis (stroma light pink on H&E), scar like stroma with entrapped normal breast ducts and lobules - glands appear to enlarge with distance from center of lesion
LM DDx invasive ductal carcinoma
IHC myoepithelial cells preset (p63 +ve, calponin +ve)
Gross spiculated mass
Site breast

Prognosis benign, increased risk of malignancy
Clin. DDx breast cancer
Treatment excision


  • The term radial scar is a misnomer. It isn't a scar. It isn't associated with prior trauma or surgery.[1]
  • May appear malignant on imaging.[2]
  • Associated with subsequent elevated risk of breast cancer.[3]
  • Management - usu. surgical excision.[4]


  • Spiculated mass.
  • Usually small - 3-7 mm.




  • Stellate appearance (low magnification).
  • Center of lesion has "fibroelastosis" - stroma light pink (on H&E) - key feature.
    • Scar like stroma with entrapped normal breast ducts and lobules.
    • Glands appear to enlarge with distance from center of lesion.


  • Histomorphologic appearance may mimic a desmoplastic reaction of the stroma - leading to a misdiagnosis of malignancy.
  • "Hyaline - pink stuff on H&E - is the key."





  • p63 +ve.
  • Calponin +ve.


  • HMWK +ve/-ve. (???)

See also


  1. Kumar, Vinay; Abbas, Abul K.; Fausto, Nelson; Aster, Jon (2009). Robbins and Cotran pathologic basis of disease (8th ed.). Elsevier Saunders. pp. 1072. ISBN 978-1416031215.
  2. Ung OA, Lee WB, Greenberg ML, Bilous M (January 2001). "Complex sclerosing lesion: the lesion is complex, the management is straightforward". ANZ J Surg 71 (1): 35–40. PMID 11167596.
  3. URL: Accessed on: 4 May 2010.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kennedy M, Masterson AV, Kerin M, Flanagan F (October 2003). "Pathology and clinical relevance of radial scars: a review". J. Clin. Pathol. 56 (10): 721–4. PMC 1770086. PMID 14514771.
  5. O'Malley, Frances P.; Pinder, Sarah E. (2006). Breast Pathology: A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series (1st ed.). Churchill Livingstone. pp. 91. ISBN 978-0443066801.