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{{ Infobox diagnosis
| Name      = {{PAGENAME}}
| Image      = Endocervical_epithelium_and_squamous_metaplasia_--_very_high_mag.jpg
| Width      =
| Caption    = Squamous metaplasia and endocervical epithelium. [[H&E stain]].
| Synonyms  =
| Micro      = uniform cell spacing (no "crowding"), nuclei are uniform size and round, +/-[[nucleoli]], distinct cell borders +/- intercellular bridges visible (common), adjacent/closely associated with endocervical epithelium - classically sits on surface (immature metaplasia), mitoses - rare, usually no nuclear hyperchromasia
| Subtypes  =
| LMDDx      = [[HSIL]], [[reactive squamous epithelium of the uterine cervix]], [[squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix]]
| Stains    =
| IHC        = p16 patchy +ve (''not'' diffuse), Ki-67 low & predominantly basal
| EM        =
| Molecular  =
| IF        =
| Gross      =
| Grossing  =
| Site      = [[uterine cervix]]
| Assdx      =
| Syndromes  =
| Clinicalhx =
| Signs      = [[acetowhite lesion]]
| Symptoms  = none
| Prevalence = common
| Bloodwork  =
| Rads      =
| Endoscopy  =
| Prognosis  = benign
| Other      =
| ClinDDx    = [[squamous intraepithelial lesion of the uterine cervix]]
| Tx        =
'''Squamous metaplasia of the uterine cervix''' is a common change of the [[uterine cervix]] that may resemble [[squamous intraepithelial lesion]].
'''Squamous metaplasia of the uterine cervix''' is a common change of the [[uterine cervix]] that may resemble [[squamous intraepithelial lesion]].



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