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280 bytes added ,  09:49, 23 September 2015
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Image:Neuropathology_case_V_02.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - intermed mag. (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_02.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - intermed mag. (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_03.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - high mag. (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_03.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - high mag. (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_04.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - EMA immunostain (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_04.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - GFAP immunostain (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_05.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - EMA immunostain (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_06.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - MAP2 immunostain (WC/jensflorian)
Image:Neuropathology_case_V_07.jpg | Angiocentric glioma - MIB-1 immunostain (WC/jensflorian)



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