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#redirect [[Gastrointestinal_pathology#Pneumatosis_cystoides_intestinalis]]
'''Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis''' is an uncommon intestinal pathology characterized by pseudocysts filled with air.
*Benign, generally asymptomatic subset of [[pneumatosis intestinalis]].<ref>URL: [http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/371955-overview http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/371955-overview]. Accessed on: 24 January 2012.</ref>
*Small or large bowel.<ref>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Micklefield | first1 = GH. | last2 = Kuntz | first2 = HD. | last3 = May | first3 = B. | title = Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis: case reports and review of the literature. | journal = Mater Med Pol | volume = 22 | issue = 2 | pages = 70-2 | month =  | year =  | doi =  | PMID = 2102980 }}</ref>
Possible etiologies:<ref name=pmid21864163>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Wu | first1 = SS. | last2 = Yen | first2 = HH. | title = Images in clinical medicine. Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis. | journal = N Engl J Med | volume = 365 | issue = 8 | pages = e16 | month = Aug | year = 2011 | doi = 10.1056/NEJMicm1013439 | PMID = 21864163 }}</ref>
*Bowel necrosis.
*Drugs, e.g. alpha-glucosidase inhibitors.
*[[Necrotizing enterocolitis]]. (???)
*[[Cystic fibrosis]]. (???)
*Polypoid lesions.
**[http://biblioteca.colmed5.org.ar/consultas/pneumatosis.htm Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis - endoscopic image (colmed5.org.ar)].
**[http://brighamrad.harvard.edu/Cases/bwh/images/349/path2.jpg Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (harvard.edu)].<ref>URL: [http://brighamrad.harvard.edu/Cases/bwh/hcache/349/full.html http://brighamrad.harvard.edu/Cases/bwh/hcache/349/full.html]. Accessed on: 3 April 2012.</ref>
*Large submucosal pseudocysts lined by macrophages and multi-nucleated giant cells.
**[http://www.wjes.org/content/6/1/15/figure/F4?highres=y Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis (wjes.org)].<ref name=pmid21548980>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Takami | first1 = Y. | last2 = Koh | first2 = T. | last3 = Nishio | first3 = M. | last4 = Nakagawa | first4 = N. | title = Pneumatosis intestinalis leading to perioperative hypovolemic shock: Case report. | journal = World J Emerg Surg | volume = 6 | issue =  | pages = 15 | month =  | year = 2011 | doi = 10.1186/1749-7922-6-15 | PMID = 21548980 |PMC = PMC3108289}}</ref>
Image:Pneumatosis_cystoides_intestinalis_-_low_mag.jpg | Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis - low mag. (WC)
Image:Pneumatosis_cystoides_intestinalis_-_intermed_mag.jpg | Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis - intermed. mag. (WC)
Image:Pneumatosis_cystoides_intestinalis_-_high_mag.jpg | Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis - high mag. (WC)
==See also==
*[[Gastrointestinal pathology]].

[[Category:Gastrointestinal pathology]]


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