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*This rule applies to specimens with additional stains and/or diagnostic ([[Quality#Classification_of_IHC_tests|class 1]]) immunostains requested by the pathologist.
*Rule 7 applies to specimens with additional stains and/or diagnostic ([[Quality#Classification_of_IHC_tests|class 1]]) immunostains requested by the pathologist.
*Rule 8 applies to specimens with class 2 immunostains (e.g. ER/PR/HER2 for breast cancer).
*Class 2 immunostains (e.g. ER/PR/HER2 for breast cancer) are covered by [[L4E rule 8 (2014)|rule 8]].


Revision as of 05:07, 25 October 2017

This article covers L4E rule 7 and L4E rule 8 for the 2014 L4E workload system. An overview of the L4E rules is found in the L4E rules of 2014.

The definitive reference for the rule is found on the CAP-ACP website.[1]


  • Rule 7 applies to specimens with additional stains and/or diagnostic (class 1) immunostains requested by the pathologist.
  • Rule 8 applies to specimens with class 2 immunostains (e.g. ER/PR/HER2 for breast cancer).


Specimen type(s) Weight (L4E) Details Examples Rule
All specimen types 0.15 L4E/class 1 immunostain slide, 0.15 L4E/non-onerous special stains does not include class 2 IHC tests † (e.g. ER/PR/HER2 for breast ca), does not include so called onerous special stains (see below), 1 IHC = 0.33 L4E, 2 IHC = 0.66 L4E, 3 IHC = 1 L4E ... 2 lung cores with CRC demonstrated with 5 IHC = 1 L4E (rule 1) + 5 x 0.15 L4E Rule 7
All specimen types 0.5 L4E/onerous special stain includes only time consuming special stains: Warthin-Starry stain, ZN stain, Fite stain; if the stain is done upfront/routinely by the lab it is not counted ‡ one lung core biopsy with granulomas - ZN, GMS, PASD done = 1 (rule 1) + 0.5 + 2 x 0.15 L4E Rule 7
All specimen types 0.33 L4E/immunofluorescent stain skin biopsy with 4 IFs = 1 L4E (rule 1) + 4 x 0.33 L4E Rule 7
All specimen types 0.5 L4E/class 2 immunostain slide 2 breast cores with ER/PR/HER2 IHC = 1 L4E (rule 1) + 3 x 0.5 L4E Rule 8


  • ‡ Stomach biopsies which (routinely) come with a Warthin-Starry are not counted.

See also


  1. Workload and Workforce Committee of the CAP-ACP. Workload Measurement Guidelines. Canadian Association of Pathologists (CAP-ACP). 2014. URL: https://www.cap-acp.org/cmsUploads/CAP/File/CAP-ACP%202014%20Workload%20FINAL.pdf. Accessed on: 17 October 2017.