Temporal artery grossing

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This article covers temporal artery grossing.


The specimens is taken to assess for temporal arteritis. Ideally, the length of artery should be >20 mm.[1]

Specimen opening

  • Not required.



  • Specimen label: [description as per label].
  • Specimen label and requisition: [match/do not match].

Specimen - type/size/characteristics:

  • Specimen type: temporal artery.
  • Number of tissue fragments: [ ___ ].
  • Dimensions: [___ (length) x ___ (diameter)] cm.

Other findings: [none/description of other findings].


Protocol notes

  • Sectioning: cut perpendicular to vessel axis; generates circular cross sections.


  • Not applicable.

Alternate approaches

See also

Related protocols


  1. Sharma, NS.; Ooi, JL.; McGarity, BH.; Vollmer-Conna, U.; McCluskey, P. (Jun 2007). "The length of superficial temporal artery biopsies.". ANZ J Surg 77 (6): 437-9. doi:10.1111/j.1445-2197.2007.04090.x. PMID 17501882.