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===WHO classification===
===WHO classification for digestive NET===
Subtypes:<ref name=pmid21601112>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Scoazec | first1 = JY. | last2 = Couvelard | first2 = A. | title = [The new WHO classification of digestive neuroendocrine tumors]. | journal = Ann Pathol | volume = 31 | issue = 2 | pages = 88-92 | month = Apr | year = 2011 | doi = 10.1016/j.annpat.2011.01.001 | PMID = 21601112 }}</ref>
Subtypes:<ref name=pmid21601112>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Scoazec | first1 = JY. | last2 = Couvelard | first2 = A. | title = [The new WHO classification of digestive neuroendocrine tumors]. | journal = Ann Pathol | volume = 31 | issue = 2 | pages = 88-92 | month = Apr | year = 2011 | doi = 10.1016/j.annpat.2011.01.001 | PMID = 21601112 }}</ref>
#Neuroendocrine tumour G1.
#Neuroendocrine tumour G1.
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*Neuroendocrine carcinomas are G3 by definition.
*Neuroendocrine carcinomas are G3 by definition.
Divided into four types:
*Type I.
**Chronic atrophic gastritis - usually autoimmune gastritis.
*Type II.
**[[Zollinger-Ellison syndrome]] - usually [[MEN 1]].
**Hyperchlorhydia, pancreatic ''or'' duodenal NET secreting gastrin (gastrinoma).
*Type III.
**Normal gastrin.
**Usu. solitary.
*Type IV.
**Elevated gastrin due to parietal cell dysfunction.
**Extremely rare.



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