Marking ink

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Marking ink, also ink, is used at cut-up to mark the surgical margin and orient specimens unambiguously.

Abdominoperineal resection after marking ink was applied.

Rules of thumb

  • Ink before you think. Ink before cutting. If you apply ink after you've cut into the tumour you are more likely to get stray ink on tumour that isn't the margin.
  • Green and blue are the preferred marking ink colours as they are easier to see at the time of embedding.[1]
  • It is good to avoid black ink in skin lesions, as it can difficult to discern black marking ink from a pigmented melanoma. This can be remember by black is bad and green is good!

See also


  1. Lester, Susan Carole (2010). Manual of Surgical Pathology (3rd ed.). Saunders. pp. 312. ISBN 978-0-323-06516-0.