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'''Renal oncocytic tumour that is CD117 negative and CK7 positive''' is unusual [[renal tumour]] that does not neatly fit into any WHO renal neoplasia category.
'''Renal oncocytic tumour that is CD117 negative and CK7 positive''', also known as '''low grade oncocytic renal tumour''', is unusual [[renal tumour]] that does not neatly fit into any WHO renal neoplasia category.

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*[[Renal cell carcinoma, unclassified]].
*[[Renal cell carcinoma, unclassified]].
*[[Renal tumours with eosinophilic cytoplasm]].
*[[Renal tumours with eosinophilic cytoplasm]].
Image: Low grade oncocytic renal tumour -- low mag.jpg | LGORT - low mag. (WC)
Image: Low grade oncocytic renal tumour -- intermed mag.jpg | LGORT - intermed. mag. (WC)
Image: Low grade oncocytic renal tumour - alt -- intermed mag.jpg | LGORT - intermed. mag. (WC)
Image: Low grade oncocytic renal tumour -- high mag.jpg | LGORT - high mag. (WC)
Image: Low grade oncocytic renal tumour - alt - high mag.jpg | LGORT - high mag. (WC)
Image: Low grade oncocytic renal tumour - very high mag.jpg | LGORT - high mag. (WC)



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