
From Libre Pathology
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The sandbox is a test page.

Atypical granulocytic lineage cells in a patient with myelodysplasia.
Atypical ductal hyperplasia. Very low magnification. H&E stain. (WC/Nephron)

This is a place where things can be tried.

A reference follows this sentence.[1]

Another references follows this sentence.[2]


This is another section.

Tubular adenomas are a precursor CRC[3]  

A brokennn link is here.

File:Link to nonexistant file.jpg




See also


  1. This is a reference.
  2. Bonert, M.; Saville, BA. (2010). "A non-dimensional analysis of hemodialysis.". Open Biomed Eng J 4: 138-55. doi:10.2174/1874120701004010138. PMID 21673980.
  3. Roloff, KA.; Brown, E.; Stepanyan, G.; Valenzuela, GR. (May 2015). "Timing of Indicated Repeat Cesarean Delivery Before 39 Weeks of Gestation [151].". Obstet Gynecol 125 Suppl 1: 52S. doi:10.1097/01.AOG.0000463691.56327.ae. PMID 25930481.