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{{ Infobox diagnosis
| Name      = {{PAGENAME}}
| Image      =
| Width      =
| Caption    =
| Synonyms  = radial scar
| Micro      = stellate lesion (low magnification), center of lesion has fibroelastosis (stroma light pink on H&E), scar like stroma with entrapped normal breast ducts and lobules - glands appear to enlarge with distance from center of lesion
| Subtypes  =
| LMDDx      = [[invasive ductal carcinoma]]
| Stains    =
| IHC        = myoepithelial cells preset (p63 +ve, calponin +ve)
| EM        =
| Molecular  =
| IF        =
| Gross      = spiculated mass
| Grossing  =
| Staging    =
| Site      = [[breast]]
| Assdx      =
| Syndromes  =
| Clinicalhx =
| Signs      =
| Symptoms  =
| Prevalence =
| Bloodwork  =
| Rads      =
| Endoscopy  =
| Prognosis  = benign, increased risk of malignancy
| Other      =
| ClinDDx    = [[breast cancer]]
| Tx        = excision
'''Complex sclerosing lesion''' (abbreviated '''CSL'''), also '''radial scar''', is a benign [[breast pathology|lesion of the breast]] that is associated with an increased risk of subsequent [[breast cancer]].
'''Complex sclerosing lesion''' (abbreviated '''CSL'''), also '''radial scar''', is a benign [[breast pathology|lesion of the breast]] that is associated with an increased risk of subsequent [[breast cancer]].



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