Difference between revisions of "User:Michael/Scratch"

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*Indication on the script - with a few exceptions.
*Indication on the script - with a few exceptions.
*Generic name on script.
*Generic name on script.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Steatosis <br>score
! Steatotic <br>hepatocytes (%)
| 0
| <5%
| 1
| 5-33%
| 2
| 34%-66%
| 3
| >66%
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Inflammation <br>score
! Lobular lymphocytes
| 0
| none
| 1
| <2
| 2
| 2-4
| 3
| >4
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Ballooning <br>score
! Ballooning <br>hepatocytes
| 0
| none
| 1
| few
| 2
| many


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