Difference between revisions of "Adenocarcinoma of the lung"

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Line 113: Line 113:
Image: Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung -- high mag.jpg | MAL - high mag.
Image: Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung -- high mag.jpg | MAL - high mag.
Image: Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung -- very high mag.jpg | MAL - very high mag.
Image: Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lung -- very high mag.jpg | MAL - very high mag.
Image: Mucinous lung adenocarcinoma -- low mag.jpg | MAL - low mag.
Image: Mucinous lung adenocarcinoma -- intermed mag.jpg | MAL - intermed. mag.
Image: Mucinous lung adenocarcinoma -- high mag.jpg | MAL - high mag.
Image: Mucinous lung adenocarcinoma and airway -- intermed mag.jpg | MAL - intermed. mag.
Image: Mucinous lung adenocarcinoma and airway -- high mag.jpg | MAL - high mag.
Image: Mucinous lung adenocarcinoma and airway - alt -- high mag.jpg | MAL - high mag.
Line 118: Line 126:
Image:Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, mucinous type.jpg | BAC - mucinous type - high mag. (WC/Yale Rosen)
Image:Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, mucinous type.jpg | BAC - mucinous type - high mag. (WC/Yale Rosen)
=====Papillary adenocarcinoma=====
=====Papillary adenocarcinoma=====


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