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==Diffuse panbronchiolitis==
==Diffuse panbronchiolitis==
*Abbreviated ''DPB''.
*Abbreviated ''DPB''.
{{Main|Diffuse panbronchiolitis}}
*Rare lung disease predominantly found among asians.<ref name=pmid17012632 >{{Cite journal  | last1 = Poletti | first1 = V. | last2 = Casoni | first2 = G. | last3 = Chilosi | first3 = M. | last4 = Zompatori | first4 = M. | title = Diffuse panbronchiolitis. | journal = Eur Respir J | volume = 28 | issue = 4 | pages = 862-71 | month = Oct | year = 2006 | doi = 10.1183/09031936.06.00131805 | PMID = 17012632 | http://erj.ersjournals.com/content/28/4/862.long }}</ref>
*Has been likened to [[cystic fibrosis]] - but doesn't really share any features with it.
Features:<ref name=pmid17012632/>
*Small nodules (~2-3 mm) around the small airways.
*Diffuse involvement of both lungs.
Features:<ref name=pmid17012632/>
*Transmural inflammation of bronchioles - esp. respiratory bronchioles.
**Lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes.
*Neutrophils within the airway.
*[http://erj.ersjournals.com/content/28/4/862/F1.expansion.html DPB (ersjournals.com)].

==Pulmonary amyloidosis==
==Pulmonary amyloidosis==


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