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'''Account-creators''' are user group that can add accounts.  
'''Account-creators''' is a group that can add/create new accounts/users. Accounts are needed for [[LP:editing|editing]] [[Libre Pathology]].

[[LP:Admin|Administrators]] and [[LP:Bureaucrats|bureaucrats]] have this ability by default.
[[LP:Admin|Administrators]] and [[LP:Bureaucrats|bureaucrats]] have account creation ability by default.
==How to add an account==
# Go to [[Special:CreateAccount]].
# Answer the CAPTCHA correctly.
# Fill in the user details.
#* By convention, in [[Libre Pathology]], we usually go by the given name.
#* It is recommended to check the box before "Use a temporary random password and send it to the specified email address" and enter an email address.

==See also==
==See also==


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