Coffee bean nucleus

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Coffee bean nucleus is a cell nucleus that looks like a coffee bean. Coffee bean nuclei have a limited differential diagnosis.

Coffee bean nuclei in a Brenner tumour. H&E stain.
Coffee beans.


  • Coffee bean nuclei are ellipsoid and have a central groove.


Classic differential diagnosis

Others considerations

See also


  1. Vodovnik, A. (Jun 2002). "Bladder-washing cytology of metastatic ovarian granulosa cell tumor.". Diagn Cytopathol 26 (6): 387-8. doi:10.1002/dc.10095. PMID 12112830.
  2. Ahr, A.; Arnold, G.; Göhring, UJ.; Costa, S.; Scharl, A.; Gauwerky, JF.. "Cytology of ascitic fluid in a patient with metastasizing malignant Brenner tumor of the ovary. A case report.". Acta Cytol 41 (4 Suppl): 1299-304. PMID 9990262.
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