Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma

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Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, abbreviated EHE, is rare malignant vascular tumour.

Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Diagnosis in short

Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. H&E stain.

LM large epithelioid perivascular cells with abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm and cytoplasmic vacuolation ("blister cells") - may form lumen and have RBC within, vesicular nucleus +/-prominent nucleolus; tuft-like projections into capillaries; cells may be in well-circumscribed paucicellular nodules or poorly formed cellular aggregates
LM DDx epithelioid angiosarcoma, hemangioma
IHC CD31 +ve, CD34 +ve, factor VIII +ve
Site soft tissue - see vascular tumours

Prevalence rare

It should not be confused with epithelioid hemangioma.


  • Malignant.[1]
  • Adults - wide age range.
  • Associated with oral contraceptives, vinyl chloride.[2]



  • Large epithelioid perivascular cells with:
    • Abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm.
    • Cytoplasmic vacuolation (some cells) - AKA "blister cells" - key feature.
      • May form lumen and have RBC within.
    • Vesicular nucleus with prominent nucleolus in some cells.
  • Tuft-like projections into capillaries.
  • Tumour cells may be in well-circumscribed paucicellular nodules or more cellular poorly formed aggregates.






  • CD31 +ve.
  • CD34 +ve.
  • Factor VIII +ve.

See also


  1. Humphrey, Peter A; Dehner, Louis P; Pfeifer, John D (2008). The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology (1st ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 603. ISBN 978-0781765275.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Gupta, R.; Mathur, SR.; Gupta, SD.; Durgapal, P.; Iyer, VK.; Das, CJ.; Shalimar, SK.; Acharya, . (2010). "Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: A diagnostic pitfall in aspiration cytology.". Cytojournal 6: 25. doi:10.4103/1742-6413.58951. PMID 20165548.