
From Libre Pathology
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Normal 1

Microscopic description

A. The sections show normal small bowel mucosa with a benign lymphoid nodule.
B-G. The sections show normal colonic-type mucosa.

Final diagnosis

A-G. Terminal ileum, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum; biopsies (7x) - no pathologic diagnosis.

Normal 2

Microscopic description

A. The sections show normal small bowel mucosa with a benign lymphoid nodule.
B-G. The sections show normal colonic-type mucosa.

Final diagnosis

A. Terminal ileum, biopsy - no pathologic diagnosis.
B. Cecum, biopsy - no pathologic diagnosis.
C. Ascending colon, biopsy - no pathologic diagnosis.
D. Transverse colon, biopsy - no pathologic diagnosis.
E. Descending colon, biopsy - no pathologic diagnosis.
F. Sigmoid colon, biopsy - no pathologic diagnosis.
G. Rectum, biopsy - no pathologic diagnosis.