Template:Infobox external links

From Libre Pathology
Revision as of 07:31, 1 August 2013 by Michael (talk | contribs)
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Blank template

{{ Infobox external links
| Name           = {{PAGENAME}}
| EHVSC          = 
| EHVSC_mult     =
| pathprotocols  = 
| wikipedia      =
| pathoutlines   =

Example usage

{{ Infobox external links
| Name           = Keratocystic odontogenic tumour
| EHVSC          = 10179 <!-- slide ID number goes here -->
| EHVSC_mult     = {{EHVSC3|10178}}
| pathprotocols  = 
| wikipedia      = keratocystic odontogenic tumour
| pathoutlines   =


Keratocystic odontogenic tumour
External resources
EHVSC 10179 10178
Wikipedia keratocystic odontogenic tumour

See also