Difference between revisions of "Tissue fixation"

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(+table, +nice ref.)
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| Glutaraldehyde
| Glutaraldehyde
| [[electronmicroscopy]] ???
| [[electron microscopy]] ???
| Ethanol
| Ethanol

Revision as of 16:01, 9 May 2011

Tissue fixation, usually just fixation, is an important part of tissue preparation for histologic examination. It is typically done with formulin.

Fixing marking dye

To fix marking dye:

  • Formal-acetic alcohol (FAA):[1]
  • Bouin's solution.

Tissue fixation

A list of fixatives:[2]

Fixative Comment
Formalin, neutral buffered standard fixative
Formalin, unbuffered ???
Glutaraldehyde electron microscopy ???
Ethanol cytopathology ???
Carnoy ???
Bouin toxic ???

Tissue fixation


  • Formaldehyde.

Dye fixation



  • Different recipes exist.

One recipe:[3]

  • Ethanol.
  • Acetic acid.
  • Formaldehyde.
  • Methanol.

See also


External links