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m (→‎Location and cell types: more confusion)
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*See ''B cell cycle'' section.
*See ''B cell cycle'' section.
==Cell types - table==
{| class="wikitable"
! Cell
! Location
! Key feature
! Other morphologic
! Other
! Image
| Centroblast
| germinal center
| nucleolus
| large cell
| IHC ?
| other ?
| image ?
| Centrocyte
| germinal center
| cleavage
| small cell
| IHC ?
| other ?
| image ?
| Follicular dendritic cell (FDC)
| germinal center
| mesh-like chromatin, usu. beside another one
| large cell
| IHC ?
| other ?
| image ?
| Tingible body macrophage
| germinal center
| abundant bubbly pale cytoplasm (with junk)
| large cell
| CD68+
| other ?
| image ?
| cell
| location
| key feature
| other morphologic
| other
| image

==See also==
==See also==