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'''Logistic regression''', abbreviated '''LR''', is a type of curve fitting. It used for categorical dependent (outcome) variables. Examples of categorical dependent variables are: (1) pass/fail, (2) dead/alive.
'''Logistic regression''', abbreviated '''LR''', is a type of curve fitting. It used for categorical dependent (outcome) variables. Examples of categorical dependent variables are: (1) pass/fail, (2) dead/alive.

==Special types of LR==
==Types of logistic regression==
===Multinomial LR===
===Multinomial LR===
If the dependent variable is categorical and the categories are mutually exclusive (e.g. ''benign'', ''suspicious'', ''malignant'', ''insufficient''),  ''multinomial logistic regression'' is used.
If the dependent variable is categorical and the categories are mutually exclusive (e.g. ''benign'', ''suspicious'', ''malignant'', ''insufficient''),  ''multinomial logistic regression'' is used.


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