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2. Sentinel node excision:<br>
2. Sentinel node excision:<br>
Seven lymph nodes negative for malignancy (0 / 7).
Seven lymph nodes negative for malignancy (0 / 7).
== DCIS in papilloma ==
The specimen is a surgical biopsy for a right breast mass, that was previously biopsied.
The sections show an intraductal lesion with fibrovascular cores, epithelial proliferation and mild nuclear atypia.  There is no necrosis and no mitotic figures are identified.
Two small foci of atypical, nested epithelial cells (~ 1 mm) are present at the edge of the lesion and adjacent to tissue with biopsy changes (cholesterol clefts, fibrosis, fat necrosis).
The surrounding breast has cystic glandular dilation with apocrine change, and fibroadenomatoid changes. There is also epithelial hyperplasia with cellular streaming, slit-like spaces in the gland periphery, and bland nuclei.
Evaluated with immunostains:
Positive: ER strong-diffuse (nucleus), p63 strong (nuclear), SMMS (cytoplasmic).
Negative: CK5/6.
Comment:  The lesion represent a papilloma with low-grade DCIS and epithelial displacement in association with biopsy changes.  The two foci of epithelial displacement morphologically resemble microinvasive carcinoma, which would be managed the same way.
===Final diagnosis===
Breast, right, surgical biopsy:<br>
Papilloma with:
(1) Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) – solid pattern, grade 1/3,
(2) Partial hyalinization,
(3) Epithelial displacement / biopsy artifact,
- lesion completely excised.<br>
Surrounding breast:
Focal fibroadenomatoid change,
Florid epithelial hyperplasia,
Fibrocystic changes with apocrine metaplasia.


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