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== Chapter 22 ==
== Chapter 22 ==
== Chapter 23 ==
== Chapter 23 ==
1. Describe the physiological changes of breast tissue with puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy and aging.
2. List and describe three disorders of breast development.
3. Describe the impact and limitations of self breast examination on breast cancer detection and death.
4. Describe the impact and limitations of screening mammography on breast cancer detection and death.
5. List three clinical symptoms of breast cancer and what is the associated rate of breast cancer associated with each.
6. What are the mammographic features which are suspicious for breast cancer?
7. List 6 benign inflammatory conditions which may mimic breast cancer and briefly describe each.
8. Define and give examples of non-proliferative breast changes.
9. What is a lactational adenoma and what is the increased risk of breast cancer associated with it?
10. What is flat epithelial atypia and what is the increased risk of breast cancer associated with it?
11. Categorize proliferative breast diseases and give several examples of each.
12. Define and describe gynecomastia.
13. Compare and contrast ADH and ALH.
14. What is the increased risk of breast cancer with proliferative breast disease (with and without atypia)?
15. What percentage of women with atypical hyperplasia develop breast cancer?
17. What are the three major biological subgroups of breast cancer, describe each and the classic patient.
18. Describe the ethnic variation in breast cancer incidence and type.
19. List and briefly describe 10 risk factors for breast cancer (which increase risk and which decrease risk?).
20. What are the clinical history features that would suggest a hereditary breast cancer?
21. What happens to patients in which a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene is identified?
22. Compare BRCA1 and BRCA2 breast cancers.
23. List three other tumour suppressor genes that are found in breast cancer, and what is their normal function.
24. What is a driver mutation?
25. List the 6 most common driver mutations in breast cancer.
== Chapter 24 ==
== Chapter 24 ==
== Chapter 25 ==
== Chapter 25 ==